Openvpn component (v2.3.14) of Norton Wifi Privacy-NWP (v1.2.162) needs updates.
In NWP tools drop menu "update available" in ghost mode.
Openvpn v2.3.15 had 2 CVE fixes, and v2.3.17 1 fix, total 3.
CVE-2017-7478, -7479, -7571
Latest update Openvpn v2.3.18.
Question, why no updates? Or when? Secunia PSI alerted me to the needed updates. Not an automatic fix.
Tried installing OpenVPN separately, thinking I could paste OpenVPN Daemon into NWP, but file is 3 times size and uses different libraires, so I did not, and uninstalled OpenVPN stand alone.
Reply by norton tech requested.