I got this message this morning at 6:45 from OFN _
Your child, XXXXX, has recently attempted to visit a blocked web site.
Click here for details.
I clicked and attempted to view his activity for yesterday. I changed the drop down menu to yesterday and clicked all Activity. It gave me today's activity and places I have not been to nor has my son. First of all I am logged on as administrator on The computer(we only have one) then my son is sleeping quietly in my room last night with me. The activity log says he was logged on the facebook and 6:49 am. I know he wasn't because I am here on the computer.
Then I click and refresh after reading the message boards and I changed it to Last 7 Days. Now it says starting with 5/1/09 a Friday, that my son to accessed My Space( which is a blocked program) at 11:59 , 12:14 and 2:20 . My son was at school. I was the only one home and I did not go to Myspace. I was also logged in as myself.
Could someone please help???? I would hate to reprimand my son for something he didn't do.
When I click the time putton for any of the children. IT says no activity. My son was on for hours yesterday. I set the time limits yesterday. When I click the Search icon it says no activity.
Thank you