Not all available Live Updates updating

I have a new Windows 7 computer that was bought over a year ago, but not used for the first time until recently.  After the trial version of NIS expired, I renewed with a key that I bought from a retailer.  I have used Live Update fairly frequently (since its on a data limited broadband plan), but recently it updated only 7 of 8 updates.  The update that failed to complete after trying a few times is "Norton 2011 Virus Definitions X64"


I figured that when I entered the new key for NIS 2013 that Live Update would update the version from the trial.  Apparently, that is not the case.  Must I reinstall NIS 2013 to overcome the glitch?  Or, should I manually download the current upgrade from Version 18.7.23?


Also, I understand that the newest version of NIS doesn't allow the virus definitions to be downloaded and updated offline.  Is that correct?  Since I have limited internet access that is an important feature.


Thanks in advance for your assistance.