Not enough space, please delete useless…



Can you please look into fixing this error message I get on my Samsung S3 with full version of NMS


"Not enough space, please delete useless…"


Delete what? I am assuming it means contacts? Why would I have useless contacts? :smileyindifferent:


It looks like you have a limit on the number of contacts NMS will back up.


Backup up Contacts: 1298

Contacts on Device: 1517


So can you please increase the number of contacts that we can backup? Maybe linked to our Norton backup space?


And please fix the error message at the same time







Can you please look into fixing this error message I get on my Samsung S3 with full version of NMS


"Not enough space, please delete useless…"


Delete what? I am assuming it means contacts? Why would I have useless contacts? :smileyindifferent:


It looks like you have a limit on the number of contacts NMS will back up.


Backup up Contacts: 1298

Contacts on Device: 1517


So can you please increase the number of contacts that we can backup? Maybe linked to our Norton backup space?


And please fix the error message at the same time







The error is on the notification screen on my Samsung S3 (4.1.2) whenever a scheduled or manual backup is performed.


I have attached a screencap of the error (sorry about the quality)


If I do a manual backup I also get a popup "Backup Failed" "Not enough space"


NMS: V3.3.4.972


I think there are 2 issues, firstly, can we have more space so it can backup all my contacts and secondly, I think the layout of the error in the notifications could be better. i.e "please delete useless..." seems a bit wierd and slightly "rude" :) how can I tell one of my contacts that I had to delete them as they were useless? :)



Thanks for that feedback iculookn.


I have to agree it does look a bit odd.  I will ensure that it comes to the attention of the Norton Mobile Security team but I cannot guarantee what will happen as I am puzzled as to what is actually happening.


Under the circumstances I doubt there will be any quick fix so you may like to ensure that you have "subscribed" to this thread (Click on topic options at the top of the message thread and then select "subscribe" - if you have not already done so) and then you will receive an email to alert you to any extra posts in the thread.


Sorry I have no quick fix for you.  Good luck.

Hi iculookn,


Can you log on to the NMS Web Portal at and see if deleting your older backups that you no longer need would then allow you to create a new backup? Please let me know if that solves the issue.


I have, in the meantime, forwarded the issue to the development team to investiate this further and see if we can provide better messaging if that is indeed the only issue here.



Clearing all the backups worked. I no longer get the message and it backs up all my contacts.


What I think has happened, is thatI recently had to repair my phone and NMS will not transfer the license, so I had to ask Norton support to cancel my previous order and I then purchased a new license.


This must of confused the online backup, so I had contact backups from the old version of NMS as well as from the new version.


So all fixed now apart from the error message (oh and please make it easier to transfer NMS to new phones)






Delighted to hear that all is sorted out now iculookn.


All the best for the future.  ;-)

I use a Norton 360, and have had similar issues, both on my pc and the phone ; “not enough memory”.
However, I can not even see the backed up files to delete!
I log in to my account…
Did everything, but ending up in loops to nothing…
Can anyone help, please

Hi ahmads001.


Welcome to the Norton Community Forums. :smileyhappy:


AsI don't think you can be using N360 on your phone I assume your querry relates to your PC, in which case it may be better to start a thread in the N360 forum (this forum is intended for users of Norton Mobile Seurity on smartphones and tablets), however before you consider that you may want to try and clarify whether the  issue is - not enough space for a backup - which is what this thread was originally about, or if it is really "not enought memory" in which case it is most unlikely to be a backup issue and may be nothing to do with Norton.


On smart phones, other than the latest and most expensive it is quite easy to add too many apps and thus start running out of memory space.  I would not have expected this to be an issue in your case (given the phone you appear to be using) but it might be if you have a lot of apps.  This is not a norton issue but relates to the resources of the phone and the amount of tasks being thrown at it.  So on the phone you could consider un-installing a few of your less used apps.


I also note that you do not say what backups if any you have been doing.  If the issue (which remains unclear to me) is about backup space as the original poster's question did seem to be, what backups have you done and where have you put them.  Though again I would be surprised if any backup caused a "not enough memory" report.


Sorry if I have not really offered any solutions and asked a lot of questions but without some clarification I do not feel that I can help at the moment.