Not Impressed with Symantec

If I understand correctly. You have to buy a Norton Security subscription/key in order to transfer remaining days from my NIS v.21 subscription. That isn't very nice of Symantec. Obviously once my remaining days ran out I'd buy a new subscription/key. I mean what are my options? McAfee lol or some other lesser known AV like Kaspersky or AVG. I've experienced Kaspersky first hand and no thanks. I know I am not the first person to express my thoughts on this. But each year around October I look forward to trying out the new offering from Symantec. Looks like this year I'll be disappointed. Also from what I hear Norton Security is pretty much the same as NIS except for the GUI and a few other features that have been added/removed.

I don't see the big deal. If Norton Chat can transfer remaining days manually after purchasing a key for NS. Why can't they add remaining days from NIS to NS without purchasing a NS key first.
This post is probably not going to help. But I felt like expressing my opinion. Now I have to wait until February 17, 2015 to try Norton Security.