Not sure if this redirect page was legit

After I booted up to start the day's activities, when I first opened my browser and selected the first webpage to visit (from my bookmarks), I was redirected to a page that was sort of like the following (I didn't see a couple of the letters, since I freaked out.):


patt.../att.motive com    (there were some more letters where the ...'s are)


It said "There was an internet connection problem and I needed to go to the given link to correct the issue."   I, of course, didn't click the link, but shut everything down while I tried to figure out what might have happened and if this was legit.


Scans with Norton and Malwarebytes were negative.


I started up again, and tried to access my usual website, and this time there was no redirect...all appears normal.


I did some searches about "" and I did see some correlation with ATT support, but examples given showed the orange and blue ATT  logos, etc.  But the page I got was plain white with only a few words telling me to go the link to correct the problem.   I looked up at Norton SafeWeb and it says it is OK.  But still an unexpected plain redirect page is kinda worrisome..


I was wondering if anyone here has ever gotten a redirect page like that from (white with no logos) ostensibly from ATT with such an instruction.  Thanks.