Not sure what's happening here - infected web site?

I saw something strange when accessing  The site was taking a long time to load and I noticed it was trying to load something from (I think the reason it took a long time to load was that there was no response from that address).
I was suspicious because why should a UK website be fetching something from Russia?
A bit later I got an unusual message on my PC "interactive service detection" - don't know what that means and so was concerned I may have picked up some malware.  A full Norton scan came up clean.  I revisited next day with a similar result to before but this time it was accessing
I think the domain name changes daily as I'm now into day 3 and the domain accessed is now

This time I did some more tests, using livehttpheaders add-in for Firefox, this identified the access as "#request# GET http:// ba-ca. ru / example/ status. php"
As the link just times out I'm guessing that this is gathering some traffic statistics in preparation for hosting a more damaging payload.
I checked the whois and the domains seem to be registered for one day then lapse and were registered to an unidentified "private individual".
Hosting is reported as Colocation Services, IP Address:, Name Servers:,

I think my PC is OK but I guess the website may be in some way compromised - any ideas (I know the guys at Clix Coolers so would like to give them a "heads-up" on the problem if so - but don't want to cry "wolf" unless I'm certain.)


[Edit: Removed hyperlink to a potentially malicious URL to conform with the Participation Guidelines & Terms of Service]