Tony_Weiss:Thanks for letting us know about this issue; can someone walk me through the exact steps that occur for this issue, possibly with a screenshot or two? That would be a tremendous help. I've also sent private messages to a few of you about this issue regarding logs. If you're able to help gather those logs, that would also be very helpful. Thanks again.
Hi Tony,
In addition to the aesthetic anomalies I reported about yesterday ...
I have now come to the realization that this update has also borked the MS Outlook (in my case Outlook2010) <> Norton Anti-Spam interface. Specifically, it now takes Outlook about 15 minutes to transact a mail run against my ISP's (TWC) email servers - a process that prior to this upgrade injection required just a couple of seconds (I have a 300x20 MBPS ISP service link)...
Prior to reading through this new thread I was about to try using the NRnR tool to see if it could repair what I now believe to be a damaged/corrupted/incomplete NSwB update installation. But within this thread I'm seeing reports that the NRnR and NRT tools are inflicting even greater damage than what has already been wrought by this update?
So - can you please provide us with Norton's official position on this?
Is it safe to try and recover from this bad patch using these tools or is it not?