NS Broke Down With Errors Not Fixable With Autofix - Uninstalled Now

I run a defrag every night when I go to sleep. When the defrag finishes my PC goes to sleep.

This morning when I woke up the defrag showed a successful completion BUT there was a red bannered NS warning window telling me that my NS has a problem that needed to be fixed and I should contact support. There was  a yellow click-on box to contact support. Everything about the window appeared to be totally legit BUT I tested and checked-out NS every way I know and nothing appeared to be wrong - until I tried to scan later. I hate dealing with any company's support. I later discovered that NS could not scan and got a similar red bannered window stating a problem exists in my NS that auto-fix could not fix.

All my settings were correct and green. I checked my firewall with Shields Up. Windows Action Center says NS is on. I ran a successful live update.

My History shows 5 Norton Error Reporting Submissions within two minutes around 4:54 AM. The last Error Report Submission was immediately followed by NS Blocking Two successive Unauthorized Access Blocked - (process data) -risk medium.

I suspect these were caused by my defrag program attempting to defrag or move a restricted and protected Norton File.

""Actor    C:\Windows\system32\WBEM\WMIPRVSE.EXE

Actor PID   4796

Target    C:\Program Files(x86) Norton Security/Engine\ \NS.exe

Action  Access Process Data

Reaction  Unauthorized access blocked

ACTION  No actions available for this item"

Too busy to give detailed report now but briefly The Error Report Submissions - five within a one minute period were not proceeded by any particular event. The last reported event was a Windows update over an hour before. The Error Reports for these were all identical.

Error ID: (88995CBB-EF57-41A1-BE87-C9AC45000683F}

Error Class 0X4C743499

Program NS

Process ID

Thread ID Ox14DC

No Action Available for this item.

Three Hours Later an Auto Fix Attempt was Listed

Advanced Details

Error 3048.3

Error Class CO27B52C

No Actions Available for this Item."

All of this long before I discovered the error that prevented NS from scanning that produced a not fixable by auto fix error. When that happened I was just too disgusted and out of time to check the scan error detail-doh.

Just didn't want to deal with support - don't have all day - so I uninstalled NS which was dumb cuz now I won't know if a new install will develop the same issue.

Maybe further details later......I'm forgetting  about NS for a bit. I don't think the latest version is ready for prime time.

There must be something about Windows 10 that is giving security vendors many problems in introducing compatability fixes for their software ATM

I daily read NS, Wilders, Emisoft, Bitdefender, and Kaspersky Forums and everyone is having lots of issues ATM.