NS V22.0.0.82: QBackup folder at 390 megabytes of QBD/QBI folders and files

This is on Windows 8.1.1 x64 Professional with NS V22.0.0.82.


This morning I found the QBackup folder filled up to 390 megabytes of folders containing QBD/QBI files and single QBI files.  I know the QBackup folder is used for quarantining files.  However, these are not quarantined files as they do not show up when I use the NS GUI to view the Quarantine folder. 


I deleted all these files and then performed a full scan of my system again.  The scanner filled the QBackup folder with 190 megabytes of these folders again.  Why is NS placing the files in this folder and then just leaving them there? 


I deleted them again, turned off Norton Community participation, rescanned and the QBackup folder remained void of the folders.  Thus it appears that they are for participation in Norton Community.  Obviously something isn't completing to remove these files or uploading them for Norton Community. 


Something needs to be done to prevent this QBackup folder from growing and growing.  It seems to me that this is a misuse of the QBackup folder.  If Norton Community files need to be stored, they should have their own folder for storage.  Plus there needs to be a way to view, edit, delete these folders without having to manually search for them.  JMO