NS will not update and is STUCK on

Sorry to post here and on the ID Safe forum but I (and at least 1 other person) have an issue with my NS on 2 XP systems. On my Win 8.1 System I am OK.

My 5 license NS is stuck at on my XP systems. I run Live update but it says that I am current. This has caused a big issue with the toolbar gone when I went to Firefox 39. In Manage.Norton.Com I see my 2 XP systems but there is a red X showing. They do not say what that means. I have been on live chat but all they say is to keep doing a live update. That does nothing. I posted on the ID Safe / ToolBar forum because I thought the issue was there, but I see that I will never get the toolbar update until my NS updates on my XP systems.

Any ideas what can cause this?