NSW 08 can upgrade to v12.0?

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

To get the latest version of your product, please visit the Norton Update Center and select your current product and version. It will display the most current available update. This free update applies to Norton SystemWorks Standard and Premier Editions, but NOT the Basic Edition.

Tony - still showing NSW ver11 on Update Center - awaiting NSW ver12.

Any idea when ver 12 will be listed?


Message Edited by KLR on 10-14-2008 04:58 PM

I apologize; you are correct, the Update Center is currently providing NSW 11.0 (2008) as the latest update. We’re in the process of getting NSW 12.0 (2009) available. I will post an update when NSW 12.0 is available for download. Thank you for letting me know about this issue.

Wait a min Tony.  So if I had the Basic Edition of Norton Systemworks and a new edition came out before my current subscription ended I'd have to PAY money to upgrade?


That's what you're saying correct?


And that only applies to the Basic Edition? Doesn't really seem fair.   Especially if I'm already a Symantec customer who's bought NIS 2009 and doesn't need the extra stuff that comes in the "Standard" and "Premier" Editions...


CassilineKnight wrote:

Wait a min Tony.  So if I had the Basic Edition of Norton Systemworks and a new edition came out before my current subscription ended I'd have to PAY money to upgrade?


That's what you're saying correct?


And that only applies to the Basic Edition? Doesn't really seem fair.   Especially if I'm already a Symantec customer who's bought NIS 2009 and doesn't need the extra stuff that comes in the "Standard" and "Premier" Editions...

Let's back up a second. There are 3 editions of Norton SystemWorks: Basic, Standard, and Premier.


Basic edition is Utilities only. The activation key for this edition will activate the product, and there is no subscription that will expire. Nothing will lock down or cease to function. Additionally, there is no free update to the latest version of the Basic Edition; it must be purchased to receive the latest release.


Standard Edition and Premier Edition both contain Norton AntiVirus, which does have a subscription tied to the product activation. However, when the subscription period has ended, the Utilities in these editions will continue to function, as well as the Norton AntiVirus. But the Norton AntiVirus will not be eligible for updates. Both of these editions are eligible for an update to the latest version if there is a valid subscription.


Now to your questions. If you had the Basic Edition, there would be no subscription to expire, but you would have to purchase the latest release if you wished to Upgrade.  You are correct that this only applies to the Basic Edition; I apologize if this does not seem fair to you. I don't quite understand the rest of the post, regarding NIS 2009...can you explain your specific situation? Please let me know if there is any more information you need about Norton SystemWorks subscriptions, updates, and upgrades. Thanks!

If you want to upgrade your Norton System Work Basic Edition to 2009 version 12, you may visit **LINK REMOVED**. I found out this a few days before because I'm a Symantec customer who bought NIS 2009 and have same situation with CassilineKnight.


[edit: removed link per the Participation Guidelines and Terms of Service.]


Message Edited by Tim_Lopez on 10-22-2008 05:05 PM

Tony_Weiss wrote:

CassilineKnight wrote:

Wait a min Tony.  So if I had the Basic Edition of Norton Systemworks and a new edition came out before my current subscription ended I'd have to PAY money to upgrade?


That's what you're saying correct?


And that only applies to the Basic Edition? Doesn't really seem fair.   Especially if I'm already a Symantec customer who's bought NIS 2009 and doesn't need the extra stuff that comes in the "Standard" and "Premier" Editions...

Let's back up a second. There are 3 editions of Norton SystemWorks: Basic, Standard, and Premier.


Basic edition is Utilities only. The activation key for this edition will activate the product, and there is no subscription that will expire. Nothing will lock down or cease to function. Additionally, there is no free update to the latest version of the Basic Edition; it must be purchased to receive the latest release.


Standard Edition and Premier Edition both contain Norton AntiVirus, which does have a subscription tied to the product activation. However, when the subscription period has ended, the Utilities in these editions will continue to function, as well as the Norton AntiVirus. But the Norton AntiVirus will not be eligible for updates. Both of these editions are eligible for an update to the latest version if there is a valid subscription.


Now to your questions. If you had the Basic Edition, there would be no subscription to expire, but you would have to purchase the latest release if you wished to Upgrade.  You are correct that this only applies to the Basic Edition; I apologize if this does not seem fair to you. I don't quite understand the rest of the post, regarding NIS 2009...can you explain your specific situation? Please let me know if there is any more information you need about Norton SystemWorks subscriptions, updates, and upgrades. Thanks!


For the Standard and Premier Editions you say the subscription will NEVER expire? Meaning that if I was to get Systemworks Standard now I'd still be able to upgrade it to Version 15 years from now without having to pay a dime correct?


BUT the Antivirus part of the program would cease to function. Which is fine with me since I have NIS 2009 anyways.


You can download the trial version of NSW V12 and key in your current product key. For system work basic, you can download either Standard or Premier trial Version. Install the system work part only.

Any idea when NSW 12 will be on the update center. NSW 2008 (ver11) Subscription near end.

May have to go the trial route if not soon.Ken


KLR wrote : 

Any idea when NSW 12 will be on the update center. NSW 2008 (ver11) Subscription near end.

May have to go the trial route if not soon.Ken

Just download the NSW 12.0 version at the trialware centre. Then key in your current product key for the Norton Anti Virus 2009.

Message Edited by znmng on 11-15-2008 06:59 PM

Thanks znmng - did just that and worked fine.


Is there a trial version of Systemworks 2009 Basic available anywhere? I'd like to try it before I commit to it, if possible. I use NIS 2009 right now and want to make sure there are no problems running both on my setup.


I would suggest you to download Norton SystemWork 2009 basic from here :


This is a 15 days trialware. Key in your product key(if you have any) into this product.

Thank you for the link. I couldn’t find a trial for the basic version anywhere, only the other 2 versions of it. 15 days seems kind of weak for a trial period, though. You would figure a company as big as Symantec is they could afford a longer trial period, especially with the economy in the toilet. But then there is Christmas and the CEO needs that bonus. :smileywink:

Message Edited by Boofo on 11-23-2008 06:54 PM