NTB Chrome extension didn't load, NIS

W7 64 sp1


Norton Identity Protection 2014.6.4.11

Chrome 33.0.1750.117 m (Just updated from 32.0.1700.107 m)


This was the status yesterday, 2/21, posted at NIS v21 NTB fails to prompt for vault PW.  Decided it should be a new thread.


‎02-20-2014 11:12 AM

Question on Toolbar software loading with any new version or RnR.


In the past the software for Chrome extension has not loaded automatically and I have utilized the unpack Chrome.crx method and manually loaded via the Chrome extensions panel.  I received this method via this site.  I noted at that time the Extensions page gave the unpacked Chrome.crx location instead of the NIS program location as the source:


Norton Identity Protection 2014.6.4.11

Symantec Corporation ...

ID: lckf...
Loaded from: C:\Users\...\Documents\Norton ID 
Inspect views: ...


After the revision update, the Chrome extension is still using my unpacked Toolbar .crx instead of the new one in NIS program location.


I assume it should load from the NIS program location.  Should I have deleted the unpacked .crx and all traces once used?  Just how should this work?


Since then I RrR'd 2x, and deleted and reinstalled without settings save.  All this with ID Safe extension removed from Chrome and unpacked .crx deleted.  The NTB did not install.


Thanks and regards, Charles