Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Great idea.
I guess first of all we all want the fast working tool like NIS 2009
Automatic idle time full system scanning and the ability to schedule full system scans, both as seen in NIS09 would be an excellent improvement.
1.HIPS (Full function AntiBot or ThreatFire)
2.AD-Block function
3.Detail report in Firewall for advance user
4. "cloud computing" build in SONAR function
The appilication should be first of all light, so it takes less system resources which is the main concern with Norton Appilications. Should have "Proactive defence" about harmful backgroung activities so as to detect key loggers, Hidden driver Install, OS kernal modification, Hidden process detection with negative PID,. e.g, I had a key logger attempting to log my keystrokes with name AW_HOST5 which Norton recogonised as a trusted appilication but my other Antivirus removed it successfully. Also the System volume infomation should not be in default exclusion list, as there can be viruses in previous backups. Should have ability to run full system scan when system is idle and optimize the disks like defragment etc. If we incorporate too many appilication in it like Antibot etc it will use more resources and too many option are not easy to maintain particularly for New Bie's who have less Computer knowledge.....
Early in today
I already useing Kaspersky Internet Security 2009
Now I trying Norton 360 v2.0
Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 have Intelligent HIPS (whitelist form Bit9+powerful application and regedit rule)
KIS 2009 only use 40MB RAM with Full function
That Intelligent HIPS no need to Confused...
Because it will block automatically....like ThreatFire but better
So I suggestions Norton must quickly build in some Intelligent HIPS to fight more and more Threat in the world
Because many of Antivirus product already build in Intelligent HIPS or Sandbox...
EX : TrendMicro . Kaspersky . Panda . F-Secure . Norman . COMODO ...ect
That's not enough to fight Threat only use Virus Definition and firewall.....
Symantec must quickly to do something to build a MOST SMART HIPS
Intelligent...light ...and powerful !
HIPS is the trend in the world
I already tested .... even PC-Tool ThreatFire is more better then Norton AntiBot ....+.+
So ... Symantec....I wish you better then better in "Proactive Defence" .....EX : Intelligent HIPS
My suggestions:
1. Norton 360 3.0 should be as fast as the current Norton 2009 products and include all new features that 2009 versions have.
2. Main Windows transparency, similar to Norton 2009 products
3. Ability to ignore warning messages related with: Windows Automatic Updates; when the computer is not scanned for viruses for a long time; phishing protection is turned off and so on...
4. Ability to choose specific drives for defragmentation, and not the whola disk at once
5. An option to completely disable idle scans (even virus scans)
6. An option to completely erase all backed up files online
7. Improved Registry cleanup and temporary file cleanup with more options.
Bugs to be fixed:
- ccSvcHst hang issue during Windows Shut Down
- Norton 360 v2.0 still scans the computer, even it's not idle. I hope thiss will be fixed
- Currently, there is a rare bug in v2.0 -"A scan is already running", but actually there is no scans running
Norton 360's backup needs improvement. This component still crashes (when changing It's settings frequently). Also, I think that Quick backup should exclude "Documents and Settings\All Users" directory and scan only "Documents and Settings\Current User" and ignore "Application Data", "Local Settings" and other similar folders. Backup should also ingnore by default any temporary files, or files included in System Restore directory, or files with unknoun extentions, and even configuration files (such as *.ini), unless they are added manually. This would be usefull when adding "other" files for backup. For example, I've tried to add 4 winrar files located in different folders using "add to backup" from the menu. Norton 360 scanned for other files too. And, as you can suppose, there were lots of useless files pending for backup. Additionally, users should be able to specify in backup's configuration, what file extentions to add or ignore from backup. Yes, this is not for begginers, but it's not useless too.
Whether It's a bug or not, Norton 360 users are not able to select specific files for backup, because backup adds automatically all other files from the same type. This shouldn't happen, when files are added manually, with right click - add to backup. This is only acceptable when users check the category (pictures for example) from backup settings. Then, I would agree that Norton 360 should scan for any pictures. If a category is unchecked manually, Norton 360 shouldn't scan for files from this category, and shouldn't add new files from the same type automatically
I think Norton 360 v3.0 can add some features from PC Tools that Symantec just bought.
(Like ThreatFire, and ThreatExpert)
I want to have the following features:
1-ability to use right click under Vista 64 to scan a specific files and folders.
2-ability to shut down norton in Windows (not just disable) in case you need to trouble shoot.
3-have more control to scan a folder, drivers, etc.
HIPS (Full function AntiBot or ThreatFire)...this is important!!!
AD-Block function . Like Firefox extension tool : Adblock Plus
( can add new URL rule manully and Continue update form SYMANTEC! )
(EX: KIS adblock can Continue update form Kaspersky)
I want to block MSN Messenger AD and Yahoo Messenger AD !
Detail report in Firewall for advance user ...
Norton 360 just told me got a network Attack ....
But I can't see the detail in Firewall report
Only AntiVirus report.............NO FIREWALL REPORT in main GUI !
Some advance user must want to know the attack details : port...IP...Time...DNS....Country...ect
I think 360 can build "Expert Mode" but not Default
Then advance user can read more detial report of Antivirus and Firewall
I hope Norton 360 is more powerful then NIS
Not More simple !!!!! (for advance user)
"cloud computing" build in SONAR function
(F-Secure already use in DeepGuard 2.0)
some part of DeepGuard 2.0 whitepaper (PDF) : I got a map...
[edit: Image removed, unable to determine copyright status of text, please post LINKS to this type of information and not the text itself.]
F-Secure DeepGuard web : http://www.f-secure.com/deepguard/
Improve the product Self-Defence,I hope Norton 360 v3.0 can't cut and paste files in the all Norton Folder!
And I hope can't change Norton product Registry manully !
Please Build more SSDT hock or more other hock into the system to Prevent been shutdown the security product by virus.
Like GDATA TotalCare 2008~2009 they have good Self-Defence
GDATA TotalCare 2008 Treatment Test (2008-1-18)
report from : http://www.avpclub.ddns.info/discuz/viewthread.php?tid=7772&page=1#pid65000
Detail report:
AM 01:27:01: Driver loaded.
AM 01:27:02: Hook found: NtClose
AM 01:27:02: Hook found: NtCreateKey
AM 01:27:02: Hook found: NtDeleteKey
AM 01:27:02: Hook found: NtDeleteValueKey
AM 01:27:02: Hook found: NtOpenKey
AM 01:27:02: Hook found: NtOpenProcess
AM 01:27:02: Hook found: NtSetValueKey
AM 01:27:12: Unable to disable BSODs.
AM 01:27:16: Unable to disable BSODs.
AM 01:27:16: Probing 7 function(s) started.
AM 01:27:16: Probing function NtClose(B) ...
AM 01:27:36: Function NtClose passed the tests.
AM 01:27:36: Probing function NtCreateKey(BDODUDD) ...
AM 01:34:18: Function NtCreateKey passed the tests.
AM 01:34:18: Probing function NtDeleteKey(B) ...
AM 01:34:39: Function NtDeleteKey passed the tests.
AM 01:34:39: Probing function NtDeleteValueKey(BU) ...
AM 01:36:01: Function NtDeleteValueKey passed the tests.
AM 01:36:01: Probing function NtOpenKey(BDO) ...
AM 01:38:37: Function NtOpenKey passed the tests.
AM 01:38:37: Probing function NtOpenProcess(DDOD) ...
AM 01:42:14: Function NtOpenProcess passed the tests.
AM 01:42:14: Probing function NtSetValueKey(BUDDDD) ...
AM 01:45:21: Function NtSetValueKey passed the tests.
AM 01:45:21: Probing complete.
AM 02:14:13: Driver loaded.
AM 02:14:15: Hook found: NtClose
AM 02:14:15: Hook found: NtCreateKey
AM 02:14:15: Hook found: NtDeleteKey
AM 02:14:15: Hook found: NtDeleteValueKey
AM 02:14:15: Hook found: NtOpenKey
AM 02:14:15: Hook found: NtOpenProcess
AM 02:14:15: Hook found: NtSetValueKey
I hope that we can export / import all the settings ... including the firewall set
Will allow us to facilitate the setting will be transferred to another computer
Can this thread be merged with:
Which is full of suggestions already?
To reiterate mine:
- Much better file selector! At the moment, it is far to cumbersome to select or deselect files that you want to be included in a backup. Currently, to deslect a folder, you have to manually and painstakingly deselect every file under that folder by browsing all the directory trees, this is not on! you should be able to deselect an entire folder and have that apply to all sub folders and files under it. Same for selecting which ones you do want backed up.
- Perhaps move the file search somewhere other than when you launch the manage interface, at the moment it makes the interface slow and cumbersome to use, increases cpu usage to 100% (maybe a bug?) and just generally feels unresponsive, this is because it searches for files to backup when you load this interface. Maybe this could become a scheduled task?
- Full drive backup. Maybe this encroaches on Norton Ghost too much (Yes, I know you're a company, you're allowed to make money :P) but given that it's a "360" product, I don't feel that protected in the event of a hard drive loss, as I'd have to reinstall the operating system again etc. It'd be nice to be able to do a full drive backup, with no other features from Ghost. At the moment I have them both running simultaniously.
Anti Virus:
- Include which virus have been discovered in some sort of history, other than just the number of virus' would be nice to be able to see when a file has been deleted, and which file, incase something you thought you wanted to keep has just dissappered without your knowledge.
- No complaints
- The registery clean up is nice, but a registry defragger would be a welcome addition, common in a lot of registry programs.
What're your guys thoughts?
For me, the firewall in Norton 360 has always been a bit of a challenge to configure. I can't decide if its too complicated or too simple. Some of the settings like setting up the "Trusted" connections are really confusing and hard to understand, but at the same time once you understand what its doing it seems very limited in how much to trust each connection. Overall its very confusing.
Also it might be nice to be able to turn off the firewall permanently if I decide I'd rather use Windows firewall instead. Every time I've disabled the firewall and told it to stay off until I turn it back on, Norton 360 considers that to be a "problem" and will turn it back on next time it performs background activity. Maybe add a button that says "Use Windows Firewall Instead" that turns off the norton firewall, turns on windows firewall, and does not consider it a problem. More like backup behaves when disabled (not considered a problem and its grayed out in the ui rather than red, doesnt turn on again unless I explicitly tell it to).
louiswu wrote:
Can this thread be merged with:
No it can't be for technical reasons. We are aware of that thread, and appeciate the link to here.
Additionally, anyone who posted in that thread does NOT need to repost, we will use post from both threads when we compile the list.
I agree with Iouiswu's suggestions.
1) Backup: ability to remove the complete backup in one click in stead of selecting all files separately as it is now.
2) Ghosting problems shouldn't be an issue anymore
3) faster adapting / compatability with new versions of firefox / ie etc.
4) EMPTY quarantine option in N360, now there is only the option to restore it, and no option to completely empty the quarantined files
Would like to ask the Symantec employees ...
Have any plans to join the AntiBot on Norton 360 v3.0 now ?
Or like NIS 2009 just have part of full AntiBot ?
Thanks to the Norton 360 3.0 Development Team
1) Ad-Blocking back like in 360 v1
2)Registry defrag
3)When running HDD defrag/cleanup more information would be nice
I fully agree with Vejdin and Louiswu. when you compile the suggestions, count me as double for theirs.
Thanks for the great work guys! Please improve the backup function...
Support for Google Chrome?