Official Call for Suggestions for Norton 360 3.0

One simple request; just for speed and ease of access

When doing a manual scan of files using Vista Ultimate right click, I would like the Norton 360 "scan now" to be in the first drop down.

e.g right click\scan selected files - in stead of - right click\norton 360\scan now - my preferred is how my previous Internet Security 2008 was.

My request :


1. Powerfull HIPS : like PandaSecurity's TruPrevent Technology. This HIPS is really powerfull. I have tried it.

2. More resource friendly. I hope Norton 360 v 3 need 128 or may be 64 minimum RAM for full installation

3. New engine with Superb proactive protection with no false positif: like Avira's or ESET threatsense technology.

4. Option for advance user



Bugs to be fixed:

ccSvcHst hang issue during Windows Shut Down




1. Install speed faster than NIS09. Faster the PC startup speed.

2. Design a more colourful interface for Norton 360 3.0

3. Make the backup function more useful. I think combine Norton Ghost with Norton 360 is a good idea. The backup fuction in Norton     360 cannot backup the whole computer.

4. Make the registry cleaner more powerful.

Allow for the option to let Norton 360 fix issues upon startup…just in case someone other than the main user starts the computer and begins using it without right clicking on the fix issues red x. My computer always has a red x upon start up for “intrusion prevention” and others who use my computer never fix it before getting on the internet.

Instant Messenger Protection is important.

Could V3 be 'fully' tested using 'disability options' to ensure that the Numeric Keypad No5 Key (left click) works on all windows.

v2 appears to have bugs on some drop down windows. Not everyone can use mouse or trackball if severely disabled.

We’re evaluating a number of proactive malware detection capabilities for N360 3.0 so stay tuned on this front.

I think Norton 360 2.0 is a great program, almost perfect for computer user's with basic skills and no desire for advanced settings.
The only suggestions I can make are:
-fix the ccSvcHst hang issue during Windows Shut Down (as already mentioned by Vejdin)
-return of ad-blocking add-on (as mentioned by MANY others)


-better Firefox support. I'm still not sure of the advantages of the Identity Safe and Anti-Phishing features over Firefox 3's built-in versions...


-and just keep the good performance, low resources of the previous version and other Norton 2009 programs 


Hi Mark,


I would like to propose some relevant changes in the BACKUP feature.


1) Complete overhauling of the Backup & Restore file browser (get rid off the tree structure)

2) "Delete all files" options for Online Storage.

3) Time strap for how long it will take to complete the Online Backup.

4) Easy identification of files backed up from the other computers.

5) Easier access of Online storage files while restoring.


To sum up, a better and robust backup experience, like Ghost.


Great Norton 360 3.0 Development Team :smileyhappy:


I wanna 3.0 have all advance settings as NIS 2009 !

And care this bug :smileywink:

I think that can add a useful function


Vulnerability scanning for all software has been installed in PC


Remind user to update some program as Adobe Reader (Have been found a Serious Vulnerability in this software before)


not just detect browser Vulnerability now

Norton 360 3.0 should be faster and easier to install. It also should take up less space like the norton internet security 2009.

What's the time horizon for 3.0?


Looks like that after the overhaul of the 2009 products, unless 360 comes up with something similar a lot of people will be disappointed--and reviewers will be delighted to point to the lack of innovation, too. So, how about one or two clear innovations above and beyond what happened to NIS 2009 and NAV 2009, just to quiet the critics?


Improve unpack rate , like Kaspersky or BitDefender can disinfected archive file
(ex: WinRAR) then restore a clean file automatically in always.
We can choice the Highest Heuristics and select all setting as NIS 2009.


Improve to detect more suspicious action , and stop that until user choice.
* Remind users if program or web want to install BHO (Browser Help Object / Toolbar)
* Remind users if program or web want to install ActiveX
* Remind users if program or web want to start active in Windows login
* Remind users if program or web want to change the HOST file
* Remind users if program or web want to install or active Keylogger
* Remind users if program or web want to change Homepage (IE/Firefox)
* Remind users if program or web want to change Search page (IE/Firefox)
* Remind users if program or web want to modify System/Network settings
* Remind users if program or web want to create a new scheduled task


Scan SSDT/ IDT/ IRP/ IAT/EAT/Regedit/Process/Driver … ect.

Vulnerability scanning

Vulnerability scanning for all software has been installed in PC , not just browser. This function also build in Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 , and they build the Vulnerability database just few month ago.
Remind user to update some program as Adobe Reader (Have been found a Serious Vulnerability in this software before) to prevent attact or hijack.

HIPS (Host Intrusion Prevent System)

Norton AntiBot is fine , but PC-Tool ThreatFire is better.
Must have 3D : AD(Application Defend) . RD(Registry Defend) . FD(File Defend)
I think Symantec can use Norton Insight technology to decrease the false postive.
Then can build powerful HIPS rule.

Just like the HIPS in Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 . They have whitelist (from Bit9 )on server , Similar Norton Insight . And they have complate 3D rule already , so the HIPS in Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 is very smart and intelligent.
Even if the user have to choice some action the software will give recommend.


Can add URL or use mask (e.g. with ? or )
There is a part of list for example :

PC-Tune up

1. To optimise system performance, all installed hard disks are defragmented
2. Delete invalid ActiveSync profile data
3. Invalid profile data can prevent a new partnership from being set up
4. Delete invalid ActiveSync installation programs
5. Invalid registrations slow down the ActiveSync installation function
6. Reactivate fast DMA mode for drives
7. As a result of recurrent read errors the very slow PIO mode may have been activated for drives
8. Delete invalid application references
9. Removes references to executable files that no longer exist
10. Delete invalid browser helper objects
11. Incorrect registrations of Internet Explorer helper objects are deleted
12. Deletes invalid browser add-ons
13. Incorrect registrations of Internet Explorer add-ons are deleted
14. Delete invalid driver information
15. Empty driver information files can cause installation problems
16. Delete invalid entries in ‘Open dialogue’ history list
17. Removes invalid document references from the history list in the shared files dialogue
18. Delete invalid desktop shortcuts
19. Removes shortcuts from the desktop that do not relate to existing objects
20. Delete unused desktop shortcuts
21. Removes shortcuts from the desktop that have not been used for a long time
22. Delete invalid entries in Explorer history list
23. Removes invalid document and shortcut references from the Windows Explorer history list
24. Delete Explorer history lists
25. Windows Explorer saves various history lists (e.g. for file and computer searches)
26. Delete invalid entries in Windows history lists
27. Removes invalid references from WordPad, Paint and Windows Media Player history lists
28. Delete invalid entries in Office history lists
29. Invalid entries in Microsoft Office history list are deleted
30. Delete invalid entries in OLE/COM registry
31. Removes invalid registry information for OLE/COM components
32. Delete invalid ‘Open with’ launch commands
33. Removes entries in the Open with selection list that have become invalid
34. Delete invalid file references
35. Removes entries in the list of shared files that refer to non-existent file.
36. Delete invalid shell commands
37. Removes DDE commands (e.g. print, printto, openas etc.), that reference non-existent files
38. Delete invalid start menu entries
39. Shortcuts in the start menu without a valid connected destination (e.g. after uninstallation) are removed
40. Delete invalid Uninstall references
41. Removes entries from the list of installed applications whose uninstall function is damaged
42. Check system configuration update status
43. Ensures that no major Windows updates have been overlooked
44. Delete downloaded installation files
45. Deletes installation files downloaded from the Internet that are no longer required after installation
46. Delete Firefox cache
47. Temporarily stored information about web sites visited can take up a lot of hard disk space
48. Delete Firefox history log
49. The history list of web sites visited using Firefox is deleted
50. Delete Google Earth cache files
51. Frees up disk space occupied by temporarily stored data
52. Delete Google Toolbar search history list
53. Removes saved Google Toolbar search terms
54. Delete Windows Hotfix security files
55. Security files for uninstalling Windows Updates take up hard disk space
56. Delete Internet Explorer cache
57. Temporarily stored information about web sites visited can take up a lot of hard disk space
58. Delete Internet Explorer history log
59. The history list of web sites visited using Internet Explorer is deleted
60. Delete passwords and form data saved in Internet Explorer
61. All form data and passwords saved in Internet Explorer are deleted
62. Delete Windows Media Player temporary synchronisation files
63. Synchronisation conversion for mobile devices results in huge data volumes
64. Delete appropriate sequence of entries in start menu
65. The appropriate sequence in the start menu is deleted; entries are displayed in alphabetical order
66. Delete MSN toolbar search history list
67. Removes saved MSN toolbar search terms
68. Delete Netscape cache
69. Temporarily stored information about web sites visited can take up a lot of hard disk space
70. Delete Netscape history log
71. The history list of web sites visited using Netscape is deleted
72. Delete ‘Open file’ history list in Office applications
73. The Microsoft Office ‘Open file’ dialog history list is deleted
74. Delete Opera cache
75. Temporarily stored information about web sites visited can take up a lot of hard disk space
76. Delete Opera history log
77. The history list of web sites visited using Opera is deleted
78. Delete Netscape cookies
79. Cookies contain personalised data from visited Internet sites
80. Delete Google Picasa thumbnail files
81. Frees up disk space occupied by temporarily stored data
82. Delete ‘Open file’ history list in Microsoft imaging applications
83. The ‘Open file’ dialogue history list in Microsoft PictureIt!/Digital Image Pro is deleted
84. Delete recent documents history list
85. The history list of documents opened by Windows is deleted
86. Permanently delete files in recycling bin
87. Files stored in the recycling bin can take up considerable memory
88. Delete Windows search wizard history list
89. Stored information about previous searches is deleted
90. Delete folders with temporary files
91. Delete error log files
92. Saved Windows error reporting log files take up hard disk space
93. Remove temporary files from all hard disks
94. Typical temporary files are search for in all folders on the installed hard drive and removed
95. Forgotten temporary files can take up considerable memory and cause problems
96. Delete Windows Live toolbar search history list
97. Removes saved Windows Live Toolbar search terms
98. Delete Yahoo! search history list Toolbar
99. Removes saved Yahoo! search terms Toolbar
100. Removes saved Windows Live Toolbar search terms
101. Delete Yahoo! search history list Toolbar
102. Removes saved Yahoo! search terms Toolbar
103. Delete invalid Autostart commands
104. Removes references to non-existing programs configured to run automatically
105. Delete Internet Explorer cookies
106. Cookies contain personalised data from visited Internet sites
107. Delete Firefox cookies
108. Show hidden files and file extensions
109. Hidden files and files with their extensions are shown in Windows Explorer
110. Enable standard Internet security zone settings
111. Disable user identification in Media Player
112. Suppress logging of file names and URLs in Media Player
113. Deactivate the form data memory of the Internet Explorer
114. Deleting backups of old Apple iTunes installation files

Message Edited by Bug on 09-16-2008 05:55 PM

For me, there is no useful purpose to select items by type: pictures, word docs, financial,etc. The selection should be plain and simple - by folders and files. There really is no reliable way to identify file types anyway. Right now it puts my quicken files in both "financial" and "other" Splits my firefox profile between 3 categories, I think. Then under pictures it lumps together clip art that installed with photoshop and my own personal picture files. SO if I want to have it backup every file in my documents - including say a picture - I have to check the darn pictures checkbox - but then all the other picture files I don't want get selected too. Then I have to go through the endless tree structure and de-select all the other picture files I don't want. And there is no way of seeing the entire tree structure at once! It's only accessible through each little "type" checkbox. So, for instance, I dont even know if my entire firefox profile is selected for backup. Why can't I go to that folder and check to see that every file is selected?


 I still don't know whether 360 can watch a particular folder and backup everything in it. Seems if I don't have  the pictures checkbox selected then it will not backup any pictures no matter what folder they get put into.


So, when I select a folder for backup, everything that goes into that folder should get backed up. If I select a file only, then that file should get backed up whenever it's changed. (other items in its folder don't get backed up unless that folder's been selected)


I don't think I need any more functionality than that.


Also, after it's been re-designed, it should work. The menu item added to windows explorer is useful - but it doesn't work! I'll click drive C: and  select exclude. Still so many files seem to be selected for backup.

Also, when you happen to have all files selected for backup - it takes forever for 360 to finish scanning all the files and startup - and it slows down the computer while it's doing that. Backup scanning should only be done when you're about to do something with it. If it's set for constant backup then the norton icon should go red until you click it and let it scan (while you're out getting coffee, not while you're chomping to google something important)


And finally, give us back the option that version 1 had of storing files as they actually are - in the original folder structure - not a compressed unreadable file. I was used to taking my backup drive with me to have copies ready of my files - not anymore!




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Any news about the planning?

I would like to see Network Map to support Tunnelling protocol.I'm using BT Home Hub and I've got the explanation via a live chat with Norton that this is the reason I get the message "Devices on your network are not responding" when I use the network map facility.I'm sure a lot of people in the U.K. use BT Home Hub as their ISP.

Obviously all the new features of NIS 2009, which I'm now using btw. :)


Reading over the posts above....there is a lot I concur with.

1. Improve the backup.  This is one of the main features that I 'push' when recommending this software. It already does a great job on the security/protection side, but the automated backup is something that very few companies (even stand alone software) can seem to get right.

- Backups should be easy

- Backups should be set once and forgotten

- Backups should be easily customizable (including deselection of things we don't want)

- Backups (older should be easy to find AND delete)

- Backup locations and file names should be something we can understand i.e. for easy recognition if system goes currupt or a seperate manual backup of the backups for hard drive disasters


2. Improve GUI.  More intelligent like NIS.  The first interface can be simplistic like 360v2 but when I open a section, I want more access to things like NIS2009 would give.  Some features of NIS2009 should be on the simplistic screen (cpu usage/insight/liveupdate.


3. A way to completely DISABLE/TEMPORARILY STOP entire program to troubleshoot things. (NIS2009 doesn't have this either.)


Minor stuff.  Make GUI color changes apply to ALL windows (unlike NIS2009 which only changes main window and settings windows stay the original color).


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Out of sheer frustration I removed 360 v2 and put back v1. Wow - I had forgetten how basically nice that version's backup worked. After playing around with it I realized what was baffling me about v2. I never had to use v2 to actually restore but fear others who did are hurting.


It's amazing how much the v2 backup function was changed without any notice. "click to upgrade" said the notice. So I did. None of the new features add any fuctionality - in fact they add confusion.


Everything was changed while not really making it "look" like things were changed. In v1, the "other files" used to be able to let you select individual folders. No More. v2N takes any folders you add and seems to assign the contents to the categories. If you don't have those categories checked then no backup.


With v1 you could leave categories unchecked and instead add folders and they would appear in the "other files" section - which if checked would backup the contents of those folders.


What the heck was wrong with that???


And don't even get me started that the backup files with v2 are now machine language rather than copies of the actual files - the way they had been with v1. Pity the poor person that simply "clicks" for the "new improved version" updates, backs up - then takes their drive across town to find it's all been translated to Greek. Yes, that person was me.


If anyone from symantec would like to explain why they thought any of these changes made the program more useful, I would be very interested to hear.