OK Symantec, please wake up!

Been a Norton user for many years (20+). I wish there was a solution for my issue.
The issue is: I get about 3-4 emails a month that are suspicious… either there’s a attachment, or a link that just doesn’t ‘feel’ right. Now 95% of the time, I can weed them out by content, and just delete them. But, there are times when the content is very believable, and I fall prey. There are other times where I have to really think about it, and guess if it real or bogus. What if there was a service that provided a ‘let mikey try it’ service to people like me. In other words, I forward the email with a subscription number in the email, and they try the link, or attachment and then let me know if it is safe or not. Also if I opt to, they may ‘go after’ or try to resolve the source of the virus. This may not work 90% of the time, but sometimes a website is hi-jacked and if the administrator or ISP was informed, it could be shut down. I don’t expect a service like this to be free, and i would be willing to pay for it. Now, I believe Symantec like to make a profit, and I believe this service is a viable service that would make money. For example, charge per forwarded email, and give the option to go after the site if possible for an additional charge.
Recently, I received an email acting like a prospect asking for me to inspect their RFQ (request for quote) It was a website that looked legit, but just did not make sense to me. I ran it a few times because I thought the sender had inadvertently sent me the wrong link. I ran Norton AV and found the site had infected me. I contacted other people in my industry and they also had fallen prey to this bug. I would have paid money to shut down the site, but I just did not have the time to do it.
What does the forum think of this? Is there a service that does this already? Is this a service others would like? Is there money in it?
Is there a better solution? …like a virus wall service? (my ISP does not seem to have a good solution)