old Norton 360 2008 item

I have an item on my desktop which appears to be a shortcut to the 2008 installer for Norton 360.  This item has been on the desktop since year 2008 from when the machine was new.


When I check Properties from the right-click menu, I find "C:\Users\MyUserName\AppData\Roaming\Symantec\Layouts\Norton 360\2.0\English\036679E6D31B9965D9ABF557D26AC8037E75DC28\20080226\Stub.exe" /patched


and when I try to check the details tab, ..... message says, Target not invalid or something about wrong path.


Currently my computer has version 21.4 of N360 installed and fully updated.    Windows Vista.



How can I get rid of all of that old item?