I had the following ready to post here in response to a poster who felt it necessary to criticize Tim for "his censorship." Since I worked very hard to write this and because I think it's relevant to all posters, I will recreate my post here.
Dear whomever,
Just so its bleeping clear to you, I want you to bleep well know that I have no bleeping difficult with a bleeped up vocabulary. I've taught high school and bleepbleep well acquainted with the bleeping language used by the bleeping bleeps who can't bleeping well express their bleeping thoughts without resorting to such bleeping words.
However, it is bleeping difficult to bleeping process a bleeping sentence bleeping filled up with bleeping bleeps, bleeps, bleeps, and bleeps. Such bleeping sentences sometime bleeping keeps me from bleeping understand when the bleepbleeped poster is bleeping try to bleeping say. Moreover, the bleepbleep language tends to make me bleeping think that the bleeping poster has a real bleeping anger problem and when I confront such anger I tend to get bleeping angry myself and not give my bleeping all to the bleeping problems of the bleeping poster. Anger has a way or perpetuating itself.
All that being said, what it comes down to is this. Sometimes my thirteen-year-old and my seven-year-old come to my office and read over my shoulder to see what kind of person it is that has taken my precious time away from the two of them. I explain to them that this place is for nice people who are having some kind of emergency and that I really want to help them.
And I sure as bleep don't bleeping want my kids to read any bleeped up posts by bleeping disgruntled posters!
Oh, btw, I think the censorship is built into the process and that no particular Symantec employee comes through here putting metaphoric fig leaves on all the exposed parts of various posters.
Thank you,