online backup issues with large files

Hi Wesley,


I'm hoping you can provide some guidance, insight, and pass along feedback to the develoment team.


I'm using Norton 360 ver 3 premier. I've been using the backup feature to try to back up my Ghost 14 backup files, but I've been having limited luck. The first attempts were trying to upload the entire 24Gb of data (split into 4.5Gb files). The job "cancelled" itself part way into the backup. I then tried uploading these by creating a backup job for each of the 4.5Gb files, but that too met with no success (most of these "cancelled" also without completing). I'm now trying to upload the results of a Ghost backup I just did where I broke it into 78 250Mb files done with the High compression setting (totals about 19Gb).


Here are my questions/comments:


1)is there a better way to do it than what I'm currently trying?

2) one issue I see is as mentioned by other users that it's building a large ARC file before it does any data transfer. In my case this ended up being about 5 hours of runtime just getting prepared to start an upload (there was no network traffic during this time). Is there any way to speed up this portion?

3) Since these are Ghost v2i files, is there any way the backup utility could recognize these and avoid some of the additional work to prep the files to send? I already use a password on it, so the encryption is redundant. Also, if there's any compression taking place, that would also be redundant.

4) Is there a way to target the nobu site directly from within Ghost?


I'd appreciate any feedback or advice on how to successfully get this data uploaded.

