I am new to online family, so please advise if this is NOT the proper place to log BUGS and Enhancement requests, but here are some bugs that I have encournterd / would like enhancements, if possible:
1) getting the following message: "Logged out of machine", but i know that this is when someone has logged INTO the machine, not logged out of the machine
2) do NOT get the "Logged out of machine" message when someone actually logs out of the machine
3) getting the following message: "NSM Service is not running"...not sure what this means, or what to do about it...
4) sometimes online family does not start up when the pc is started
5) getting the following messages:
"Norton Safety Minder has been disconnected. Monitoring unavailable. "
"Norton Safety Minder is not running "
Online family is installed on an XP windows based PC, and the only people logging on have a "limited" access XP id, without parental control access, so they
could not possibly be disabling Safety minder....and when I look, it is running, cause the pawprint icon in in the lower right hand corner (most of the time)
1) 10 PC limit: would like an exception to this limit to at least 11...please
2) would like day of week (i.e, Mon, etc.) added to date timestamp
3) when on the Activity screen, would like the following additional filters ("show activity for" dropdown):
a) ability to filter on specific website or keyword
b) ability to filter on specific date
c) ability to filter on specific category
4) would like the ability for someone else besides the administrator to be able to view the non-errors, but without having the access to change any of the
settings...right now, the only way to see all activity is to logon to online family, but they you also have the ability to make setting changes....and the "Share" option is
not as user friendly...so either create a way to have someone be able to logon without having "edit" access or create reports or ?....
5) would like categories to be further finetuned...i.e, Shopping or Business to be furtner defined as the TYPE of shopping or business...ie) Apparel, Appliances,
Electronics, Accessories, Auto, etc...because some Shopping / Businesses could be allowed, but others are NOT...
6) online reports so that can more easily view activity....
7) would like the ability to copy one child's settings when creating a new one...for example....spent a lot of time adding specific blocked websites to one child's profile, and would have liked to have just copied those settings when creating a new child, instead of having to rekey them all over again...
8) would also like the ability that when adding new blocked websites...etc, that you are asked if also want to add that same new setting to other child's profiles...or be able to select which child's to auto add to...
9) would also like the ability to be notified if a category request has been changed....becuase in the meantime, i would allow the website until the category is changed, once changed, i would want to remove the specified allowed website...for cleanup purposes...