Online Family: Need to delete an email account; kids have to use my email to access :)

Good evening!

I am a Comcast. Customer and downloaded Online Family on my Dell Laptop I just returned to Dell (I kept the hardrive!).  I inadvertently used a new email when I loaded the Online Family on my new Dell Desktop.  I would like to delete the new email, and use the original account with my other email account.  Also, when I went to sign in on my son's account by clicking the Norton pawprint, I get the log in screen where I put in my email.  My children should be going directly online and it's not working.  Sooo How do I delete one of my email accounts and what is the proper way to have my kids log on.



Good evening!

I am a Comcast. Customer and downloaded Online Family on my Dell Laptop I just returned to Dell (I kept the hardrive!).  I inadvertently used a new email when I loaded the Online Family on my new Dell Desktop.  I would like to delete the new email, and use the original account with my other email account.  Also, when I went to sign in on my son's account by clicking the Norton pawprint, I get the log in screen where I put in my email.  My children should be going directly online and it's not working.  Sooo How do I delete one of my email accounts and what is the proper way to have my kids log on.