Online family works on all but one computer all of a sudden

One of the 4 computers we have has stopped runnining NOF  (3 are running Win 7 including the one that NOF won't run on).  I have tried to remove and reinstall it multiple times with new downloaded install files, but it never shows up in the bottom right 'programs' area, nor does it ever ask me to provide my NOF email, etc to 'relink' the computer to my account.


I also went into my NOF account and deleted the computer thinking that may help.  Nope.


Obviously, it's not running so it doesn't filter websites, nor limit time access like it used to and like I need it to.


Running N360 for virus stuff.  Have used N360 to clean registry after uninstall (then reboot, then resinstall) to no avail.


Please help!!