Online Renewal NIS 1 User 1 PC

Trying to do online renewal of a client's one PC/one user NIS product.


On clicking the "Renew" button on her NIS program interface, I end up at a Norton page that offers to renew the 1 User, 3 PC product for $49.95. She does not have and does not want this product. There is no 1 User, 1 PC offer anywhere to be seen.


Logged on to her Norton account. Verified that it shows 1 User with no renewals available. Clicked the Renew button and am again offered the 1 User, 3 PC renewal for $49.95 which she does not need or want.


So, how does one do an online renewal for the 1 User 1 PC NIS product?


Tried Norton support. Nathan offered advice on how to do what I've already done. Asked for Chat and was told the wait time was 35 minutes which is not acceptable.


TIA for any useful answer.

