I have a new computer HPPavilion Windows 8.1. I have transferred my Norton to this computer. Now I can not access my Vault. It states 'A network error is preventing accessto your Norton account. Please check your computer's internet connection and try again'. My network is just fine. I enter my password. Norton shows it is logging in then boom! States 'A network error is preventing accessto your Norton account. Please check your computer's internet connection and try again'. Today it stated on second try " Timed out, check your computers internet connection and try again. Then on the third try it states 'A network error is preventing accessto your Norton account. Please check your computer's internet connection and try again'. I have used Norton Uninstall tool and reinstalled Norton. Still no access to my vault! I have been a customer of Norton for a long time never had this problem. Help! Im getting tired of Norton not working correctly. See below
I have a new computer HPPavilion Windows 8.1. I have transferred my Norton to this computer. Now I can not access my Vault. It states 'A network error is preventing accessto your Norton account. Please check your computer's internet connection and try again'. My network is just fine. I enter my password. Norton shows it is logging in then boom! States 'A network error is preventing accessto your Norton account. Please check your computer's internet connection and try again'. Today it stated on second try " Timed out, check your computers internet connection and try again. Then on the third try it states 'A network error is preventing accessto your Norton account. Please check your computer's internet connection and try again'. I have used Norton Uninstall tool and reinstalled Norton. Still no access to my vault! I have been a customer of Norton for a long time never had this problem. Help! Im getting tired of Norton not working correctly. See below
I have tried what you have suggested but still get "The operation timed out. Check your network connection and try again."
error message. Im so fed up with this problem I can either do one or the other, un-install Norton completely or just not use my vault at all...........:/
Just wanted to point out that the second option of the two proffered (the vault reset recommendation) will obliterate any cloud-based vault information the OP may (at one time) have had...unless of course they have an exported backup...
Yes, by now I think we all well know the mantra of "keep your vault exported/backed up in both formats", but can someone please explain to me how being required to have this backup "contingency" to circumvent Norton's cloud failures is somehow better than just having/using a local vault?
And if security is of any issue, then how is it that having to retain a backup of potentially sensitive cloud-based vault content on the local computer in a clear text .CSV format file is in any way more secure than having that content in a local PW encrypted vault? I personally prefer using an encrypted .DAT file for backing up and moving local vault content between computers.
The cloud is wonderful - until the day that its rain washes your life away...
Just wanted to point out that the second option of the two proffered (the vault reset recommendation) will obliterate any cloud-based vault information the OP may (at one time) have had...unless of course they have an exported backup...
If you follow the link that refers to Resetting Identity Safe you will see the first sentence states: "When you delete the Identity Safe online Vault, all data that is stored in Identity Safe is permanently deleted."
Thus the user is forwarned. What amazes me and I will point it out to Norton is that there is no mention of Exporting the ID Safe Data prior to deleting the vault. Perhaps even as part of the vault deletion process as is done with the uninstall of a Norton Product - save settings for the reinstall??
Yes, by now I think we all well know the mantra of "keep your vault exported/backed up in both formats", but can someone please explain to me how being required to have this backup "contingency" to circumvent Norton's cloud failures is somehow better than just having/using a local vault?
I'm not sure I follow you - are you saying you do not need to periodically, as a precaution, Export your Local Vault ID Safe data? I'm well aware of the number of times the Local Vault has disappeared during an upgrade, as I have posted the instructions many times to revert to a 2012 product in order to regain a Local Vault. Thus the "contingency" is to circumvent Norton's Local Vault failure as well as Norton's cloud failure. Actually 6 of one half a dozen of another in my eyes.
And if security is of any issue, then how is it that having to retain a backup of potentially sensitive cloud-based vault content on the local computer in a clear text .CSV format file is in any way more secure than having that content in a local PW encrypted vault? I personally prefer using an encrypted .DAT file for backing up and moving local vault content between computers.
The main reason the .csv format is suggested for usein addtion to the .dat format is for the situation where you have to revert back to the 2012 product in order to regain the Local Vault. The .dat format used in 2013 and/or 2014 products will not Import into the 2012 products. I have also heard that perhpas the .dat format from 2014 will not Import into 2013 products - but I can't seem to find any more than a hint that this might be true.
I totally agree with you in regards to moving encrypted .DAT data between systems - which have the same products installed. Fior example, moving a .DAT exported from a 2014 product to a 2012 product will not Import.
One other thing and it has nothing to do with being secure, but there are some users who want to use the .csv format so they can see their log-ins. You know, like the old sticky notes on the side of the monitor!
The cloud is wonderful - until the day that its rain washes your life away...
Kind regards,
<edit> I have rethought mentioning to Norton about the Export of the ID Safe Data in their instructions for Deleting the ID Safe Vault as the instructions apply when one can not sign into their Vault - thus they would not be able to Export their ID Safe Data.
Thanks for the thoughts Yank and I agree with all you have stated, including the follow-up edit you added about the export problem prior to doing a reset - which BTW, is why they need an export function implementation at the vault website. If you can log into the vault using the website, then you should also be able to export that content using the website. Such an ability is particularly important because of Norton's decision to inevitably force all users out of using the local vault option.
Also, I did not mean to imply that having a backup is unnecessary if using a local vault - truly, you can't have too much backup. What I can say however, is that I've never "lost access" to a local vault on any system on which I've set one up (and believe me, that's a lot of vaults); something I can not rightfully say about my various adventures into Norton's cloud-based vaults... No - The point that I was actually trying to get across has to do with Norton's position (or, at least it was their posistion, back during the 2013 dustups) that (and I'm paraphrasinghere) the cloud is the best option if for no other reasons than its greater reliability and security, which in light of this particular thread (and the many others like it,) seems rather ironic to me.
Thank you for your help, but still not able to access. Do not know what else to do.
Yes Im using windows live login, what is a local login?
A local account login is just a username and password with the user name just that, without a @live.com ending.
You should be able to set that up in control panel under Users. I have not used Win8 since consumer previews, so someone else may have more info on doing this.
I still can not access my vault. I have entered the wrong password 3 times in a row and it still goes to timed out error. I can't get any further than that. So same problem, no access.
I still can not access my vault. I have entered the wrong password 3 times in a row and it still goes to timed out error. I can't get any further than that. So same problem, no access.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Norton, 3 times and still the same problem. Im about to give up on this product and uninstall completely
I still can not access my vault. I have entered the wrong password 3 times in a row and it still goes to timed out error. I can't get any further than that. So same problem, no access.
I know this is crazy, but you have to use three different wrong passwords. You can not use the same incorrect password three times.
I'm with you. I'm tired of the time I'm wasting with this issue and starting to look at other password solutions like Trend Micro DirectPass, or LastPass...