OnlineFamily.Norton error related to invitation

Hi my wife sent me an invitation from her OnlineFamily.Norton account. When I tried to sign  in from the link "I Accept", I got following error. I tried both on windows XP and Mac OS. The browsers tried are firefox, Chrome and safari. Please help.


--------------error message below-------------------------------------- 

Sorry, An error has occurred on the server. Please, try your request again later.

An error has occurred with our service, your data is safe, but for your protection and to prevent any possible loss of data your request was halted. The error has been logged and reported and we will look into it shortly.

Please return to the home page and log in again. If the problem persists, contact us for assistance. 

Hi KatieQ,


Yes, I can login into my account via the link you provided. However, my account does not have any info about the security settings for my kids which my wife's account has. The question is  how to link my account to my wife's account. 







You need to click the "I accept" link to register your account.  Please do the following to register your account first


1. Click on "I accept" in the email, which will bring you to a web page, where you

2. Click on "Get Started" button and finish the registration process (by the way, you should see your email address defaulted on the registration page)


Once the registration is done, you shouldn't use the "I accept" link anymore to log onto the website, please use





Hi my wife sent me an invitation from her OnlineFamily.Norton account. When I tried to sign  in from the link "I Accept", I got following error. I tried both on windows XP and Mac OS. The browsers tried are firefox, Chrome and safari. Please help.


--------------error message below-------------------------------------- 

Sorry, An error has occurred on the server. Please, try your request again later.

An error has occurred with our service, your data is safe, but for your protection and to prevent any possible loss of data your request was halted. The error has been logged and reported and we will look into it shortly.

Please return to the home page and log in again. If the problem persists, contact us for assistance.