Onscreen message at start-up: attention your computer may not be protected

Hi I get this message and have done for some time. It goes on to say 'Norton installer is not working correctly due to an error that occurred during LiveUpdate'

I have just been in to my account and updated but am still getting this message. There is a link 'Go to support website' at the bottom of the page but it doesn't go anywhere but Google.

Any suggestions please? I've tried contacting the live chat but that seems not to be working either.

Error: (8920,208) "Norton LiveUpdate was unable to install an update"

Fix Norton LiveUpdate errors

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  • This is a public community. Please DO NOT post any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as your email address, product key or phone number
  • Norton product or service name and version
  • Operating system - version / build 
  • Norton error message / error code / screen shot
  • Steps to reproduce issue

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No, that is not what the message says. 

Error: "Error Applying Patch"
You may receive this error when Norton cannot shut down all the drivers in use to apply the patch. To resolve this problem, restart the computer and run LiveUpdate again.

https://support.norton.com/sp/en/us/home/current/solutions/v74555162 - 11/19/2019


Have you refreshed your Norton install?
Norton Remove and Reinstall tool -> Advanced Options -> Remove Only
https://support.norton.com/sp/en/us/home/current/solutions/v15972972 - 08/10/2021

Any non-Norton security product/s?
Norton Boot Time Protection...try > Aggressive?

Any external devices plug'd in?
Any bluetooth devices? 

For Norton technical issues please include details for faster assistance from our forum Gurus and contributors:

  • This is a public community. Please DO NOT post any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as your email address, product key or phone number
  • Norton product or service name and version
  • Operating system - version / build 
  • Norton error message / error code / screen shot
  • Steps to reproduce issue
