I have just joined and saw two threads for the IE cookie...orphan cleaner.
I'm very grateful that Norton AV has been able to discover this one and to clean it, but I have a question.
After all this time, if it is "simply a cookie collector in IE that is stored in temp file", why isn't it deleted BY IE, when the "empty my history" option is chosen?
It's a nuisance to have to run my Norton AV every time I need to use IE (which isn't often, I use Firefox). This isn't really a Norton question, but I'd submit that the problem isn't "solved", but really means that if you don't want an evasive cookie, you need to NOT use IE.
The cookie is unique to IE, so once I realized this (on my own without coming here), I switched to the new Firefox 7.01. No cookies after exiting when using FF.
As soon as I open IE, to check for Window updates (the only reason I use it now), BAM that cookie plus a "207" cookie is there....every single time! After over two years, and Microsoft has not fixed this issue AND I have to run a scan every single time I even OPEN IE. Microsoft is going to lose "the browser battle", imo.
So, my point here is that although Norton has solved this, I don't think Microsoft has...and would humbly suggest that users consider using FF 7.01 (uses less memory for those of us with older computers) and is safer than IE.
Thanks for picking up on this cookie, Norton! AND I'm glad I stumbled into this place, didn't even know all this help was here!
Great stuff!
P.S. Oops, I posted this to the wrong board....sorry about that! But, it does address the problem I had with posting to a "solved" issue.
Here's the link for one of the pages I was refering to, have to hunt down the other one on this topic, as to posting to "solved" topic:
Here's the link as to the orphan cleaner cookie on IE discussion, dating back to 2009: