Over-writing back ups

Can 360 v6 be set to automatically delete / overwrite a previous back up??? In regards to a particular backup set, I am only interested in the latest data.

Bradmak wrote:

Can 360 v6 be set to automatically delete / overwrite a previous back up??? In regards to a particular backup set, I am only interested in the latest data.


Yes, 360 backup can be configured to retain only a single backup. This would be a disk backup and it will make the second one before it deletes the first one.

Hope this helps

This may be the problem I am having. I am running Norton 360 Ver. on XP Pro. I am backing up to an external HD. The first back-up seems to work fine. When I run an update a week or so later, it seems to want to run a second back-up. This obviously creates a HD space issue, as well as it takes a long time. It seems that with the previous version, it only added files that were changed. What are the settings that I need to change to make the backup more efficient? On-line backup is not an option, as there is no high speed internet service available in our area.

redstick wrote:
This may be the problem I am having. I am running Norton 360 Ver. on XP Pro. I am backing up to an external HD. The first back-up seems to work fine. When I run an update a week or so later, it seems to want to run a second back-up. This obviously creates a HD space issue, as well as it takes a long time. It seems that with the previous version, it only added files that were changed. What are the settings that I need to change to make the backup more efficient? On-line backup is not an option, as there is no high speed internet service available in our area.


360 backup will work two ways. The first way is for it to make a full disk backup and then do updates to that full backup at the interval specified by you until it is time to do another full backup, that interval is also specified by you. The other way is to set the interval to the minimum and not allow incremental backups. This will cause 360 to do a full backup each time. The numbeer of backups saved is set by you. If you elect to save only one then 360 will delete the old backup after then new backup has been stored and verified. This means that your backup destination needs to have room enough for two full backups without being over about 80% full.

Hope this helps

Is this all done in the “Manage Backup Sets”? The only options are Automatic, Weekly, Monthly, Manual. There is nothing about intervals or incremental backups.

Thanks for the reply however "Yes, 360 backup can be configured to retain only a single backup" - can you provided step by step for said congiguration???

Anyone know how to get the backup settings set?

I hope there will be a more detailed answer for this but here's something in the meantime. Go to Backup>Manage Backup Sets>What>Preview and note the total size your backed up files will be -- for me it says 21.9GB. Then using Explorer highlight the C drive and check the size of  the N360_BACKUP file on the right. Mine is 22.2GB "on the disk." I deleted this file yesterday to get rid of multiple backups then I ran a new backup. Today when I ran the backup again it was faster. Between that and the two numbers being close it seems that today's backup automatically did the "incremental" option as opposed to a whole new backup. So maybe make sure you have the latest version, delete the old backup file, run a fresh backup and then monitor the size once in a while. Anyway that's my plan for now till I hear something better      :catwink:

According to a couple "Solved" posts the backups seem to only have the incremental option



That post refers to On-Line back-up, which is not only a non-preferred method by me, but is unavailable. There is no high speed service available in my area. Do to the lack of comments from any support techs, I am guessing that Norton has put the off-line back-up on the back burner, and is trying to have people use the on-line version. Not a very smart move in my opinion.

It is kind of odd that a tech person has not chimed in here to clear things up. There aren't that many posts so they must be reading them. All posts about my own experience refer to backup to a different location on my same hard drive -- haven't done the online thing yet. If I do it I would do both -- not online only.

I am not having any luck finding a solution to this, and unfortunately I might have to resort to the online Chat Help (which is a thrill over dial-up). I have a feeling their solution is going to be : Uninstall, Run NRT, Reinstall. Then comes the marathon of updating the software.

redstick -- did you see my post from 05-03-201206:05 PM? What was your experience with trying something similar? Were you seeing the folder size double each time or???

BTW I've done the chat thing 3 or 4 times lately -- it's not too bad really and they can temporarily take over your machine to fix things

redstick wrote:
I am not having any luck finding a solution to this, and unfortunately I might have to resort to the online Chat Help (which is a thrill over dial-up). I have a feeling their solution is going to be : Uninstall, Run NRT, Reinstall. Then comes the marathon of updating the software.

On a previous back up set, it eventually did fill a 750 GB external HDD. On the last Back-up attempt, I cancelled it because it was backing up files that I know were not modified since the last backup. I am not sure if there is an index file that backup compares files to, or how exactly it determines if a files has been modified. I am going to reformat the external HDD, and look for and Norton Backup directories, and try one more time.

redstick wrote:
On a previous back up set, it eventually did fill a 750 GB external HDD. On the last Back-up attempt, I cancelled it because it was backing up files that I know were not modified since the last backup. I am not sure if there is an index file that backup compares files to, or how exactly it determines if a files has been modified. I am going to reformat the external HDD, and look for and Norton Backup directories, and try one more time.


Doing a partition backup 360 will backup everything the first time and then backup only the files that have changed on the next times until the limit you have set. It will then make another full backup and incrementals again until it reaches your time limit. You also set the number of cycles that are retained. If you only want to retain a single backup 360 will make the second complete backup, with incrementals before it deletes the older one.

I'm not sure if this answers your questions or gives you the information you need to create the backup set you need to do the job your want done. We'll be here.


This is what it used to do. Since the upgrade I have not had the same success. Where do I find these settings? In the Backup menu, I can not find anything referring to cycles, etc. I have reformatted my external hard drive, changed the letter assigned to it, and I am creating a new backup set. Hopefully this will work. Am I missing something in the settings to allow more options?

redstick wrote:
This is what it used to do. Since the upgrade I have not had the same success. Where do I find these settings? In the Backup menu, I can not find anything referring to cycles, etc. I have reformatted my external hard drive, changed the letter assigned to it, and I am creating a new backup set. Hopefully this will work. Am I missing something in the settings to allow more options?


Had to boot a test system so I can look at 360 and type. You want to 'Manage Backup Sets' In the 'what' tab select the drive, in the 'where' tab your backup destination, in the 'when' select the days of the week or days of the month [like every Wednesday]. If you select 'automatic' 360 does things its own way, manual sys that a backup will only be run when you click on the 'run backup button. 360 will nag you if you try to wait too long between backups.

I use a different program [Ghost] for several reasons that may not apply to your situation.

Hope this helps

Maybe I am misunderstanding the terminology.  What are you referring to when you the "limit I have set"  Also where do you set the number of cycles that are retained?  Lastly, if I am understanding it correctly, N360 requires 2X the space required for a single backup, because it will at some point, create a copy and then delete the first backup.


I understand the What, When, and Where of the backup.  I just do not see any of the "limit or cycles" type of options.  Is this something that is only for the on-line backup?


The original issue I have with the backup was that it appears to be copying unchanged files to the existing backup

Hi - I am the originator of this post and my original question still stands.


"Can 360 v6 be set to automatically delete / overwrite a previous back up??? In regards to a particular backup set, I am only interested in the latest data"


I am refer to onsite only not online back ups


My question is simply "can it be done"???


If Yes - Can anyone provide a (NEWBIE) step by step as to how to go about this, please

Bradmak wrote:

Hi - I am the originator of this post and my original question still stands.


"Can 360 v6 be set to automatically delete / overwrite a previous back up??? In regards to a particular backup set, I am only interested in the latest data"


I am refer to onsite only not online back ups


My question is simply "can it be done"???


If Yes - Can anyone provide a (NEWBIE) step by step as to how to go about this, please

I too would like to see a more detailed response from Dick -- I wonder if he is talking about settings in Ghost that are not in 360?? Anyway please see my post above from 05-03-201206:05 PM. I'm pretty sure my backup is just doing the incremental version without any settings being done on my part. I did however delete the 360_Backup folder initially.