I apologize in advance, as this might be in the wrong spot but I was never great with forums LOL. OK. I’m using Norton Antivirus 2009 (with Antispyware) It lists me as having a Packed.Generic.238, but it can’t remove it. I’ve seen others around here having the same issue. Whatever I have, seems delayed as, when I start up, I can use the internet, access what I need to just fine, and use Norton. But after just a few minutes, Norton turns off, if I use the internet blatantly, it sends me to ad sites (I’m here through Google images leaving the frame up as that doesn’t seem to send me anywhere I’m not supposed to be.) Etc. ANY help you guys can offer would be great, just let me know what you need from me–and how to get it–and I’ll get back to you asap. Thanks!