Page Not Found - Windows Cannot Automatically Detect This Network's Proxy - Malicious Website

Hi.  I have been having intermittent problems when using the internet with Explorer.  Sometimes it connects without a problem and appears to be running fine.  Occasionally and randomly I will get "Page Not Found", even on opening the browser with google, and when I click "Fix Connection Problems", I will always get the error that "Windows Cannot Connect to Network's Proxy Server."  Problem is that I'm not running a proxy server.  I've done all of the right steps I know of to assure this is not a set-up problem (assured No Proxy is selected, reset winsock, ipv4, resetlog) and have spent hours trying to research what this could be and what I can do, to no avail.  

I am running Norton360 and it is not finding anything, but I'm pretty sure there is a problem by the way my computer is behaving.  Can someone help me to find out if I have a virus?