Participation Guidelines

I need feedback about how to handle possible misuse of the Norton Community site. On 5/30/15 I logged in and found that I had received a PM from a new member ( 5/26/15) on 5/29/15 asking to speak with me in private. With his/her email attached to the message. The next thing I received was an email myself from this person, with an attachment I never opened, asking me to assist this person in becoming a resident of the United States, and that information on his/her financial situation(i.e. he/she has an inheritance that he/she would be willing to share with me if I would assist him/her in escaping a refugee camp), was included in the attachment.  Needless to say, I deleted the email and added the address and the name to the Spam list I have with NIS. I then came back to my profile in this site and found I could not change my user name without assistance so I sent a PM to one of the administrators requesting help. I also checked my settings and realized how my email was discovered. And changed those said settings promptly........ I am not computer literate  but also scanned my PC several times just to make sure nothing untoward had happened. I had a very bad feeling about this, still do, and need to know how to proceed from here. I also blocked further communication from this member. Do we need to contact one of the administrators about this highly suspicious activity? I felt relatively safe in here, but do not feel the same way now and am still waiting for help in changing my user name. Thank you for any feedback any of you can give me, and I do apologize if this is not the appropriate place to be posting this. I searched for the appropriate site and this was the one I felt fit this need best. I read the guidelines and this does not fit those deemed acceptable.......