Partition Magic 7.0 Error Code

I lost my "D" drive NTFS partition and ran PM 7 DOS to find out what the problem was. I get 2 errors that are not fixed with code 1520. (External Attribute header mismatch).


Can this be repaired without reformatting?  I have valuable data on this drive.  Thanks



Can you tell us what happened with the D: drive? Did you let PM correct the errors?


Which OS do you have? If Vista/Win7, what is the partition alignment? Cylinder or 2048 sector?


How many partitions on that HD and their sizes?  Can you see the D: partition in Disk Management?

The "FIX" option box was not available for this error. I am using Win 2K with a 120 gig disk.

Partition C is 40 gig and partition D is 80 gig. When I try to look at the partition on Windows Disk Management, the system locks up and I have to manually stop the process to regain control.


With my PM diskette in, the partitions look normal but "D" gives me this error on error check function.





Freezing of Disk Management sounds serious. Operating system corruption. So you don't have a D: drive letter in My Computer any more? And it happened spontaneously? You know of no reason why it happened?


I suggest booting from a BartPE or WinPE CD and see if the files and folders in that partition are visible. If so, copy them to another HD. When they are safe you could attempt to fix the underlying problem.


I tried the disk management function of Windows 2K again today. Found that it is the explorer that freezes when I try to access the "D" drive. DM works OK except that it does not recognize the file format. See the attached capture.


I think that the problem may have occured when I installed software for a new printer but I am not sure. I don't have the booting disks you refer to. I was thinking of changing the file system to fat32 to see if I can see the files in DOS at least. What do you think?




[edit: Resized image.]

Message Edited by shannons on 12-20-2009 05:02 PM

Well that is different from what I expected. The file system is unknown. Was it originally NTFS?


Could you have a look at that partition in BING?


Download BootIt NG. There is a one month trial usage. Unzip the file and make a boot CD.


 double click makedisk.exe, next
 dot in I accept the agreement, next
 no tick for Registration, next
 dot in Mouse Support Enabled, next
 dot in VESA Video, next
 dot in Partition Work (Don't put a dot in Normal), next
 don't choose any Default Device Options (if necessary, these can be chosen in BING), next
 leave Registration strings blank, next
 select your CD burner drive letter (you can use a CD-RW or a CD-R disc)


Boot from the CD....


 the BootIt NG CD boots to the Work with Partitions window
 Using the radio buttons on the left side of the Work with Partitions window, select the appropriate hard drive. (It should  be HD 0)
 select the 74 GB partition and click Properties (It is the Volume, not the Extended partition)

 What is the File System?

 Is there an "Errors Exist" message at the top of the Work with Partitions window?


 click Close on the "Work with Partitions" window
 click Reboot and remove the CD



Please see attached. As you can see, there are no errors yet I still cannot access the D drive. File system was NTFS.






Your images still haven't been approved.


In BING can you select the Volume, click Properties, Details. What is Free and Used?


Select the Volume again, Properties, Edit File. Can you see any Files and Folders?


I'm just trying to determine if the partition issue is confined to WinXP. If you can see your files outside of WinXP, they should be recoverable.

Under Volume, I have 22321 MB free and 53996 used.

In file edit, I have a bootf1~1 directory only. I think I am toast!!



At least BING is showing you have 53996 MB of files. I suggest using the trial version of GetDataBack for NTFS.


If you can see all your files you can decide what to do next. I haven't used this type of software and there may be free apps around.

Thanks for the help Brian_K. My problem is solved.


I was able to recover the files needed with your suggested course of action. 

Excellent news!