Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Tony_Weiss wrote:It appears that this issue has been resolved in an update to Partition Magic:
I would recommend installing all the available updates for Partition Magic.
PMJI but can you give a link to download updates to Partition Magic from Symantec? I have PM8 updated to 8.01. I understand that there is at least a version 8.03 but I can't find anywhere to download any updates to PM on the Symantec website. I have tried browsing and I have tried Searching.
And if in PM8.01 I click on Help/About ... Tech Support the link to PowerQuest goes to the Symantec page selling PM8 ....
Sorry, here's the link to download the Partition Magic 8.02 update:
WARNING: This is a restricted access system. If you do not have explicit
permission to access this system, please disconnect immediately!
The ftp site displays the above warning and downloads do not work. How do I get explicit permission? I purchased my PartitionMagic 8 from Powerquest. My original CD is version 8 and I lost the updates due to a hard drive crash and would like to get it back up to date.
Hello. I was trying to add an 11gb partition to my 250gb hard drive with Partition Magic. PM stated that I needed to reboot my computer to complete the partition. Upon reboot, I received this message before Windows XP launched:
Error initializing the program, return code=183
Error 183 while executing Batch
Error 183. Unable to identify the Windows partition.
Press Any Key to continue...
Now, Windows does not recognize my 250gb hard drive at all and when I open PM, I can see from the picture of the hard drive that it drive is partitioned (although, not at 1gb), but neither partition have a drive letter. Now, any PM function I try to run on either of those partitions, I get this error as the process nears completion.
Error #321
The specified file system has no file I/O functions.
I haven't tried formatting what remains of the larger partition because there are files that I would like to keep there. Is there any way to fix this without losing my data? And what caused these errors initially?
Tony_Weiss wrote:Sorry, here's the link to download the Partition Magic 8.02 update:
Sorry I did not spot this earlier ....
We need a password to unzip the files that are there and perhaps instructions since there are 3 exe files and an overlay file inside and a txt file, all password protected.
PM1513 error (text)
huwyngr wrote:
Tony_Weiss wrote:Sorry, here's the link to download the Partition Magic 8.02 update:
Sorry I did not spot this earlier ....
We need a password to unzip the files that are there and perhaps instructions since there are 3 exe files and an overlay file inside and a txt file, all password protected.
PM1513 error (text)
OK, so how do we get the password? The files also time out on trying to download, copy, etc. I was finally able to get the ENPM802 file downloaded using FileZilla, (took many hours), but can't extract the files.
LeeBos wrote:OK, so how do we get the password? The files also time out on trying to download, copy, etc. I was finally able to get the ENPM802 file downloaded using FileZilla, (took many hours), but can't extract the files.
That's what I just asked Tony W -- if you use the Threaded display option you can see how messages link together, unlike in a blog. Hang on for his reply but bear in mind it is a weekend.
I had no problems downloading any of the three files there -- came down in about a minute each with broadband.
I apologize; the password is “pm1513”. Thanks!
huwyngr wrote:That's what I just asked Tony W -- if you use the Threaded display option you can see how messages link together, unlike in a blog. Hang on for his reply but bear in mind it is a weekend.
I had no problems downloading any of the three files there -- came down in about a minute each with broadband.
Thanks. I do have a broadband connection but they still refuse to download without timing out. Must be some server problems between Boston and Tampa. I'll try again later in the week.
Thanks Tony, and whatever the problem was with the slow ftp was it's gone today.
I'm having a similar problem. Unfortunately the files are not anymore on the symantec ftp server. If anyone has them or knows where they can be found, please let me know or email them to me.
I'm especially looking for the file: Enpm801_h1.zip or Enpm802_h1.zip
I have been able to find the Update File for PM 8 someplace else, but not those ones.
So please help.
Thanks, Marco
Marco, post an email address for me to send a PM, they are too big to email, over 4 meg each.
Hi Lee,
thanks, Marco
[edit: removed email address per the Participation Guidelines and Terms of Service.]
Max wrote:
Hi Lee,
oh that would be great.
thanks, Marco
[edit: removed email address per the Participation Guidelines and Terms of Service.]
Please do not post your email address on the forums. If you wish to send your email address to another Forum user, send it through the PM system (Private Message - the envelope in the upper right-hand corner of the forums). Thanks!
I was trying to download this file from Norton FTP site at ftp://ftp.symantec.com/public/english_us_canada/products/pmagic/pmagic_8/updates/ENPM801_H1.ZIP and it does not work
On URL http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/powerquest.nsf/docid/2004038302586462?OpenDocument is said we can download but once it click it does not work. WIll Symantec will post back on above FTP or not?
Hi post me a private message with your email address and I can send you the file (5MB).
I don't think that Symantec will put it back online.
cheers Marco
I too need to get the update for partition magic 8.01, if anyone can help me out I would be thankfull. Thanks
It would be nice if Symantec re-posted ENPM801_H1.ZIP rather than go through the forums looking for emails to delete.
It looks like there is still demand for it.
I am also looking for a copy
It appears that this issue has been resolved in an update to Partition Magic:
I would recommend installing all the available updates for Partition Magic.