Pathetic and misleading service provided.

For the first time in the last one year I have had an issue of virus on my computer. I am a ever very very careful user but definitely believed that my Investment in this well know antivirus product has been a good one and a lot of credit goes to it as well.


However virus happened.................... "Desktop.ini"


I did a immediate scan and used some more extended tool that are available on Norton online. Despite that couldn't get rid of the Desktop.ini. I finally seeked online help through chat machine. Agent ;) Mr. Malikarjun XXXX Reddy responded to my msg that I was upset that despite having the Antivirus my computer got virus. To that the response was having an antivirus doesn't mean that there will be no virus, it only means u will be protected from Many virus attacks. Absolutely logical, however I think if I were doing the job I would say "I understand that, let me have a look at the virus/PC". As he started asking questions I realized it will finally boil down to the point where he will have to see my computer so I offered him that suggestion and he readily agreed.


In his more then half an hour research on my computer he did everything that I had done before and as I wrote so he quite disrespectfully kept on taking over the pc and not listening to me. Even restarting the computer without telling me. And as was doing what I had already done he simply couldn't find anything. I again tried tell him the same but as usual ignored the same and keep on doing his failed research. Finally as every failed mission has a SCAPEGOAT he found the same in a software called Simplecall which is been there for about 9 month on my PC without any trouble. He just deleted the same without asking or telling me and this was disputed the same coming up as Action not required. When I asked him why did he delete the same he said he doesn't mean it was the virus he thought it was one of the infected files.


By now he has realized that I was at least someone he can't bull**bleep** for long. So he just copy pasted a sales pitch that I either will have to use an USB to make it bootable and run the recovery or else I will have to use the paid service to get the virus cleaned up. I told him upfront about what I thought about the service he provided and very categorically.


I know and understand that not all problems can be solved or solved quickly. But I think an attitude does makes a difference. So friends I clinged on to my motivation to solve this issue and tell myself that I thought right of that Geek Mr. Reddy, that he is is just a lazy employee who is part of an ignorant organization for which we be a premium.


I SOLVED IT ..................... Yes I did............................... And it was so easy!! And I have realized that I can actually avoid renewing my Anti virus and buy a new one.. 


hasta la vista Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!