I have a problem since 2 monthes and i don't find any solution:
My PC is a Dell Dimension 9100 (P4 3.2 Ghz, 1 Go Ram, ATI X600 hypermemory 512 Mo, Windows XP SP3)
When I bought it in 2005, Norton Internet Security 2005 was installed. I updated it regularly with live updated and didn't have any compatibility problems with it.
In nov 2008, I bought and downloaded from Symantec french website NIS 2009 tu substitute NIS 2005.
Since then, I cannot launch the game CIVILIZATION 4 and the second add-on Beyond the sword (BtS) (all with latests patches).
When i insert the DVD, i have the game screen launcher, but when i click on "play" i have an error message telling me that it finds no CD.
I tried a lot of things, after calling the civ4 french hotline: update firmwares, disable NIS 2009, reinstalling the game, authorize civ4.exe in the NIS 2009 firewall parameters... Nothing works !
I noticed that the problem exist with Civ4 and the Add-on BtS which are on DVD-disc but not with the first add-on Warlords which is on CD-disc.
When i desinstall NIS it works well, just as it did when i had NIS 2005 ; just desabling it is not working.
It seems that the problem comes from a conflict beetween Norton and protection software used by the game, wich seems to be securom.
I had no efficient help from symantec hotline, and the game hotline in france doesn't understand why i have this problem, so i use this forum.
Could someone help me ?
PS1 : all softares installed on my computer are legal and official, with latest versions and update ; I have also freewares very common like Spybot search and destroy, ad-aware, malwarebyte antimalware, CCcleaner, divX,...
I have no emulator or cracknoCD software
PS2 : sorry for my hesitating english, I'm french !!!