I just upgraded to PC Anywhere 12.1. I came from PC Anywhere 10.5. If you have 10,5 and are thinking about upgrading to 12.1, I strongly advise against it. 12.1 is a nightmare.
It will not FTP files that have long names. I never had this problem with 10.5. In fact, I used 10.5 to FTP to a computer with 12.1, and all files transferred. If I use FTP where both computers are using 12.1, I get an error message that says "the directory or file cannot be created", skip or cancel if the file name is too long.
To make matter's worse, PC Anywhere does not have a log which tells you which files were skipped. I had to look for the files with too long a names by searching the last folder that was created when the error message popped up.
This is a painful experience and means I have to change the names of thousands of files if I want to FTP them to another computer.
I have bought a solution from another vendor to handle FTP.
I called tech support and their is no solution for this problem.