PC Hang during Norton IS 2009 Background Tasks vs. Memeo Backup

As extensively reported in a previous thread, my PC will also periodically freeze with the message "Norton Internet Security Is Performing Background Tasks" in the bottom right hand corner of my screen. When this occurs, my PC has of course been left idle for a while.


The only way out of the hang is of course power off/on. Sometimes this causes CHKDSK to run to clean the now dirty "C" drive. Some or all of the orphan files it removes look like Norton files. The only thing I have noticed that MAY have been the result of orphan file cleaning is that one time my email spam "blocked list" was suddenly empty.


What may be different or helpful about this report is that I use Memeo Backup software which also scans during idle time to identify and backup files in its backup list.


I've done a search here and found nothing relevant re: Memeo. ATM I have turned off both Memeo and Norton-during-idle. When I've convinced myself the hang problem has disappeared, I plan to turn Norton-during idle back on, etc. In the meantime . . .


Is there a known conflict with Memeo . . . or is there likely to be a conflict between Norton IS 2009 and other scan/work-during-idle software?