Pepper Flash in Chrome

For Chrome users and/or anyone who might know the answer. Right now in Chrome there is pepper flash v that is up to date as of last Chrome update.


Additionally, there is flash v 11.4.402.265.


Is it ok in this browser to disable the pepper flash? I know it's part of Chrome. Have been having nothing but trouble at YouTube and others when pepper flash is enabled. Opening a video to play full screen is a disaster. Freezes, video not playing correctly and screen locking up is what happens with pepper flash enabled.


Just to be clear, this is not a Norton plugin issue, as in the countless other threads. Mine is always enabled with no issues.


After disabling the pepper flash and going with just flash 11.4.402.265, the difference is like night and day. Now everything plays the way it should just like when I use to use IE for flash video.




