Hi All
I'm having a recurring problem with a certain part of NIS2012. For some reason after a certain period of time (around a month or so after clean install) it automatically disables performance montoring on my PC and i cannot get it to enable again even if i go into general settings and renable it justs defaults back to disabled immediately.
Everything else is fine except this. I have uninstalled and reinstalled NIS using Norton Removal Tool and it has occured again after a month or so's worth of use, therefore i know that if i reinstall again it'll probably come back. Also i don't think i should after keep doing this to be honest.
I'm running the latest version of NIS2012 (Updated today 30.07.2012) with Windows 7 Premium 64-bit and everything else is working fine.
Does anybody know how to stop this happening / what is making it happen? Also, any tips on how i force it to re-enable?
If it is a lost cause am i not fully-protected from virus etc with performance monitoring disabled?
Thanks in Advance
I can't answer why it happens, but it can answer "If it is a lost cause am i not fully-protected from virus etc with performance monitoring disabled?"
The Performance Monitoring has nothing to do with your protection, so your security is not lessened one bit. It only track is a program or service is using what Norton considers to be an unusually high amount of memory, CPU power, and so on. It is not related to malware. Personally, I deliberately disable it the first thing I do, because all it gives me is messages telling me my games is using a lot of computer power. Which is exactly what I want them to do.
Thanks for the swift reply.
Just as i thought. If it ever comes back on i'll make sure i'll manually disable it then. Can't understand why you'd want to know that your CPU is working. 
Well, if something is using an extraordinary amount of CPU resources and slowing the computer down, it is good to be able to identify that process and deal with it. Personally, I would just check the Task Manager or use Microsoft's free Process Explorer for that, though. The annoying thing with Performance Monitoring can be when it tells you something you want to use a lot of computer resources, like a game, is doing so, or when it tells you a normal Windows process is using a lot of computer resources, which can worry a user unnecessarily, when the process is perfectly normal. Like warning that the disk defragmenter is doing a lot of hard drive reading/writing at some point, for example.
It's not a useless function, but personally I find it to be more trouble than it's worth. And it's not related to the security part of your Norton product.