Just got a forced update yesterday for NIS. Upon restarting and starting a scan for my computer, NIS detected a virus which I found un-usual since I've never had anything more than tracking cookies. This virus was detected as Trojan.Gen.SMH.2 in pebiosinterface.dll which is a file that came with my ASUS computer.
I allowed the scan to continue, and it soon flooded the scan window with 200 Heuristic viruses, most being auto-resolved. At the end of the full system scan, NIS presented me a report with 1 Virus (Trojan.Gen.SMH.2 from pebiosinterface.dll) and nearly 500 Heuristic Viruses with nearly half of them requiring my attention to manually take care of. Looking through the report, many of these came from popular programs such as Unity3D developer kit, Dev-CPP, Steam Gaming Service, and Adobe.
Never had any problems with these programs nor my computer prior to this update. Noticed numerous people with the same problem having hundreds of files quarantined post-update. Any word from Norton or possible solution to this?