Pictures are not displayed on Web sites in Internet Explorer

I ran a full system scan on my computer. It found a bunch of tracking cookies and 2 virus, said it fixed them all. Ever since I ran the full system scan when I go on the internet pictures are not being displayed. Main pictures that shoud be on the site they are all the box with a red x. When I did a search on the internet to try and figure out the problem, I found this site on microsoft,, I tried everything on it, expect the toggle, because I cannot find that on my computer, and then the fixes it says with Norton, I cannot figure out how to fix it. I am running Norton 360 Version I looked for updates, it says I have the current version. I am thinking it has something to do with my firewall, but I cannot figure out how to fix it. Any ideas? I did not have this problem until I ran the full system scan.

Don't forget that you also didn't have this problem before your encounter with the malware; it's more likely that it resulted from software that was designed to cause problems with your computer than from software designed to protect it. This would tend to be reinforced by the evidence you found suggesting a Microsoft problem: the malware--or what was necessary to remove it--may have damaged something in your OS or browser.


That said, we'll certainly try to help you find your way to a solution. By my reading of the Microsoft site, the Toggle Images thing is an optional accessory to Internet Explorer that you would have had to install at some point: if you can't find it and don't remember installing it, it likely doesn't apply to you and can be disregarded. Do I understand you to say you have tried all the other steps, including the Advanced section?


I would also suggest that you download and run the free version of malwarebytes, as a crosscheck to make sure your system got fully cleaned. The different security vendors use different approaches--each having its particular strengths and weaknesses--and while you shouldn't run multiple products with real-time scanning functions on the same machine, the free version of malwarebytes has no real-time scanning and thus is entirely compatible with Norton. If it finds anything, you may have a rootkit--so let us know.


If malwarebytes agrees with Norton's diagnosis that your system is clean now, we can move on to reinstalling or repairing the various forms of scripting (Java, ActiveX, etc.) that may have been affected by the malware, and perhaps reinstalling Internet Explorer itself--or any other suggestions that others more informed than I may have to offer.

Thank you for your help and response. I did try all the suggestion on the microsoft page, including the advanced section. I downloaded and ran the malwarebytes program. The full scan found no infected or malicious files. Any suggestions on what I should try next?

What version of Internet Explorer are you running? I'm thinking the next step may be reinstalling your browser--and if you're not up to IE 9 yet, this could be a good opportunity for an upgrade! Then make sure you have the most current versions of Java, ActiveX, etc. installed; you may be offered several of these automatically after the browser installation is finished.


Keep us posted. We like to know how these turn out--and keeping the thread alive may also attract new posters with fresh suggestions.

Sorry it took some time to get back, been busy. I am using 8.0, so I will try the reinstall/upgrade and see how it goes from there. I will let you know. Thank you!

No worries; good luck...and we'll keep a light on for you!

Ok I want to Thank you so much for you help! I reinstalled ie8. and all is working and looking good! Thank you so much for your support!

Glad we could help--it's what we're here for!


Happy, safe--and pictureful!--browsing! :smileyvery-happy: