Please Bring back Autofill Exclusion List in settings and add a feature to it

Yes, I know I can "Ignore this page" and when going back to that page select to "un-ignore" it again (autofill).  However, this is not as good a solution as you might have originally thought.  And a pet peeve of mine will explain it below.


If you regularly use sites (like WHM and cPanel for your webhosting business) that use sessions as part of the URL you have to select "Ignore this page" everytime you start a new session for any of the areas you don't want autofilled.  Like certificate management areas, email address, forwarders, aliases creation areas, etc.


I'm sure my ignore list is in the thousands now.  And most likely, I'll never be able to return to most of them because you are apt to not get the same session ID again.  So the list will just keep growing and growing.  Here's two steps to make this a much better solution:


1) Bring back a menu item to view your current web page ignore list with features to add/modify/delete individual entries as well as delete multiple entries.  You can still keep the "Ignore" / "Autofill" options on the tool bar too!


2) Add a feature that allows using wildcards ( * and possibly ? ) so that for example, the following could be entered as an ignore entry:



The idea here being to ignore any URLs matching the above mask, so the following would all be ignored




     -- and --





Those are just two common URL types for cpanel.  There are plenty of others, and for several other products (WHM, WHMCS, etc.)


Having that would allow for example, to ignore a particular page meeting the above criteria the first time, then being able to go into the list and modify that item with a wildcard entry such as the example I show above.