Please exclude disabled apps!

NMS rates the privacy of disabled Android apps on my Motorola Droid Maxx smartphone. This is confusing, unnecessary, and undesirable.

It’s confusing because it makes me wonder whether I’ve already disabled these apps. I had to check the apps to confirm that I had in fact disabled them.

It’s unnecessary because a disabled app is no security threat. It’s not doing anything!

It’s undesirable because it artificially degrades the privacy score on my security report. A disabled app cannot compromise my privacy.

Please do not rate the privacy of disabled apps! Thank you.

Thanks, Peter!

I can guarantee it is not a quick fix due to your post. It takes days just to get an app cleared on Google Play. 

As you say, it could have been the reboot, or the update. Either way it is good news.


I rebooted my phone a few hours after posting my request here, and now the problem is resolved! No need for a workaround since NMS is now excluding disabled apps (which is what I believe it used to do anyway).

I don't know whether the reboot was responsible or someone at Symantec posted an incredibly speedy patch on Google Play (the app has updated since I rebooted), but if the latter, thank you so much!

Symantec totally rocks! 

Thank you, Peter. Should I repost in Product Suggestions or just post a link from there to here?

This might be a good suggestion for the Product Suggestions board

A work around for now is to Trust those apps. As you say, you have disabled them anyway, so trusting them will have no effect on your security, but will raise your score in NMS.