Please Help Ghost 14.0 not finding any disks on my system



I'm a newbie ,sorry for any mistakes that I make, that said.

I'm not happy with Ghost AT All. It's driving me nuts, :-(


please see the following error pasted below;-~,


system runtime interopservices com exception (0x8000000A) at
VProauto. Protector.AutoClass.get_ComputerPolicyLevel (Boolean
IncludeFFB , Object& Volumes, Object& Policies)
at Symantec.VPro.VProUI.VProconnection.ComputerPolicyRefresh()


I am getting this when it runs.


Also this;-~,


Error EC8F1780: Cannot successfully reconcile changes since last session. Error EC8F1771: Cannot enumerate the current drives on this system. Error EBAB0013: A test that safeguards the integrity of the program failed unexpectedly. CHECK failed, MbrRegion::RecalculateUnallocatedSpaces: .\MbrRegion.cpp(2496): first.GetType() != AllocatedSpace::DiskStart && first.GetType() != AllocatedSpace::Primary && first.GetType() != AllocatedSpace::ExtendedEnd.
Details: 0xEBAB0013
Source: Norton Ghost


Please Help.

