Good Morning,
So, sorry to re-post SO SOON (SoulAsylum, just the other day, pointed me in the right direction as to where the OFF switch is for a annoyingly creepy layout), yet I would NOT do so unless I were in a bind...
The following happened...
Following the death of my wife, my niece took over my financials, and also deals with the authorities on my behalf (ex. IRS, SSA, my CPA, makes doctor's appointments on my behalf, etc., etc.). My Niece who is a community activist, registered Republican, and very much active in her church (in other words a perfectionist), helps people whenever she can (her mother is my older sister/my mother her beloved, late, grandmother), hence my niece sold my house on my behalf, took care of the downsizing of my household, organized moving the furniture (and me) out-of-state.
So, she is skilled at making the dollar stretch...
She also sold my limited edition Jeep Wrangler, as I was in a lot of back pain/cater ax on eyeballs, and saving property tax on said car/plus insurance (she, and her husband dropped off groceries, where I used to March of this year I downsized further & moved into a Independent Living Facility...where I receive 3 meals a day).
So, my problem, which came up on short notice, is that I renewed my MBAM Premium annual subscription prior to being admitted to hospital/major surgery. While her husband (my nephew in-law) used his credit card to renew my Norton 360 subscription.
The Norton 360 needs to be renewed again (now a year later)...I have 10 days left before the subscription to the Norton 360 Deluxe Plus 1 expires. Now, what I just found out from my niece & her that my niece got burned on a credit card/identity theft, hence they no longer buy/pay for anything online...that includes my Norton subscription renewal (I was going to give them the cash money for the renewal plus tax, same as last year, yet they are adamant about not buying/paying for anything, at this point, and I don't blame them). My Niece, and her husband, is frugal, hence I canceled my Geek Squad membership (and, since then, no longer have a credit card of my own...I pay cash money, yet "Cash is no longer King").
***So, all that having been said, I need to learn how to re-install the Windows Firewall (Windows Defender?) properly (without making any mistakes in the process) and figure out if Windows 11 comes with some sort of anti-virus/malware protection until such time as I've resolved the cc problem.
Also my brother printer, which I no longer have, left behind a driver which is jamming up my Core Isolation/Memory Integrity...could that affect the Windows 11 (Firewall/anti-virus)?
In years past, when I lived in closer driving distance to a Best Buy/Geek Squad...I would buy all the cordless house phones/internet phones there plus desktops & laptops. I would march my laptops over to the Geek Squad section of the store & politely ask them to install Norton & MBAM Premium (Geek Squad membership + cost for the cyber security software), hence THEY knew how to disable the Windows firewall.
As an old luddite I have anxieties as is when it comes to technology...and know my anxieties have been "Super Sized."
I thank you all in advance for having taken the time to read my post & for all the good advice/input/help, THANK YOU!