Please HELP, re-installing Windows 11 Firewall + any anti-virus!

Good Morning,

So, sorry to re-post SO SOON (SoulAsylum, just the other day, pointed me in the right direction as to where the OFF switch is for a annoyingly creepy layout), yet I would NOT do so unless I were in a bind...

The following happened...

Following the death of my wife, my niece took over my financials, and also deals with the authorities on my behalf (ex. IRS, SSA, my CPA, makes doctor's appointments on my behalf, etc., etc.). My Niece who is a community activist, registered Republican, and very much active in her church (in other words a perfectionist), helps people whenever she can (her mother is my older sister/my mother her beloved, late, grandmother), hence my niece sold my house on my behalf, took care of the downsizing of my household, organized moving the furniture (and me) out-of-state.

So, she is skilled at making the dollar stretch...

She also sold my limited edition Jeep Wrangler, as I was in a lot of back pain/cater ax on eyeballs, and saving property tax on said car/plus insurance (she, and her husband dropped off groceries, where I used to March of this year I downsized further & moved into a Independent Living Facility...where I receive 3 meals a day).

So, my problem, which came up on short notice, is that I renewed my MBAM Premium annual subscription prior to being admitted to hospital/major surgery. While her husband (my nephew in-law) used his credit card to renew my Norton 360 subscription.

The Norton 360 needs to be renewed again (now a year later)...I have 10 days left before the subscription to the Norton 360 Deluxe Plus 1 expires. Now, what I just found out from my niece & her that my niece got burned on a credit card/identity theft, hence they no longer buy/pay for anything online...that includes my Norton subscription renewal (I was going to give them the cash money for the renewal plus tax, same as last year, yet they are adamant about not buying/paying for anything, at this point, and I don't blame them). My Niece, and her husband, is frugal, hence I canceled my Geek Squad membership (and, since then, no longer have a credit card of my own...I pay cash money, yet "Cash is no longer King").

***So, all that having been said, I need to learn how to re-install the Windows Firewall (Windows Defender?) properly (without making any mistakes in the process) and figure out if Windows 11 comes with some sort of anti-virus/malware protection until such time as I've resolved the cc problem.

Also my brother printer, which I no longer have, left behind a driver which is jamming up my Core Isolation/Memory Integrity...could that affect the Windows 11 (Firewall/anti-virus)?

In years past, when I lived in closer driving distance to a Best Buy/Geek Squad...I would buy all the cordless house phones/internet phones there plus desktops & laptops. I would march my laptops over to the Geek Squad section of the store & politely ask them to install Norton & MBAM Premium (Geek Squad membership + cost for the cyber security software), hence THEY knew how to disable the Windows firewall.

As an old luddite I have anxieties as is when it comes to technology...and know my anxieties have been "Super Sized."

I thank you all in advance for having taken the time to read my post & for all the good advice/input/help, THANK YOU!





"Good Morning!" :o)

 "The fact that you can sign into your Norton Account at afterwards to disable automatic renewal and then delete your billing information doesn't justify this unethical business practice, and it's one of the reasons I no longer use Norton."

I understand all to well, and share your views, however, for a luddite such as myself...easy/User Friendly software is desirable (which is why I have been a loyal MBAM customer ALL these years). I have gone ahead and deleted the outdated Billing info (credit card no longer exists due to identity theft fallout)on my "Old Account."

"If you want to disable auto-renewal for your new subscription then log in to your NEW Norton Account and repeat that same process. Just note that, as bjm_ mentioned previously, you will lose the benefit of the Virus Protection Promise (virus removal) service that is included with your new Norton 360 subscription as soon as auto-renewal is disabled."

Really not happy about that Catch-22 situation, hence I will, however, rather avoid losing/taken away from Virus Protection Promise.

So, I checked the receipt again from Staples. the Norton 360 Deluxe was $60.97 (fine print there was a $19.99 discount), hence I only paid $40.98 for 12 months of Norton 360 Deluxe (renewal, however, is going to be $104).

My "Old Account" extension (90 days) 10 days prior to deadline Norton offers to slash the $114.99 and offered me $34.99 deal instead (at a time when I was told by various parties that I would need a credit card), hence I had to ignore said (generous) offer.

In my experience, on these forums, the Norton Community is PRICELESS!

So, kudos (lots of them) for both Imacri & bjm_ ...while Imacri gets the credit for responding first/informing me about Windows Defender, hence I shall close this thread a "satisfied customer!" :o)


david S:
My In-law said out loud, "Will it accept debit card (instead of CC)?" Lets try, and it worked!


Norton uses verbiage "credit card", "debit card", "billing details", "billing information", "payment methods".
I'm guilty of using "credit card" as a generic term for payment method.  

*Accepted payment methods

Maybe, your "debit card" has a bank logo.
Maybe, your "debit card" has a Visa/MasterCard logo.  
Maybe, your "debit card" is a Prepaid card. 
Maybe, they're accepted payment methods.  IDK

Norton Community does not have access to your Norton account/s, subscription/s nor payment method/s. 
Users may always contact Norton Official Support to confirm *Accepted payment methods. 


david S.:
...NEW Norton account (New email address/name)...yet the last part/insert CC was the longest hold-up...we were all shrugging our shoulders in-store/Staples...when my In-law said, "How about a debit card? Will the system accept a debit card instead?" Lets try...and it worked! :o)

Hi david_S.:

Well, that's good to know.  I didn't even know that was possible.

... So bjm_ informs me I'm less than 30 days from renewal/subscription ending, hence there is not that much that I can do about the old account. bjm_ did, however, say that I can clear the out-dated CC info as said CC was cancelled due to identity theft.

So, whats the best way to go about that? Keep "Old Account" for the time being (ignore pestering e-mails/pop-ups from Norton)? ...

I can't post images since I don't have an active subscription, but I'd suggest you log in to your OLD Norton Account at and confirm your auto-renewal is disabled as instructed in the support article Stop Your Norton Subscription From Automatically Renewing.  Then follow the instructions in the support article Update Your Credit Card Information, but instead of entering your billing information just delete everything (or as much as it will allow you to delete) and click Save.  As I said before, I'd keep this OLD account even after your current subscription expires and put up with a few weeks of annoying emails nagging you to renew your subscription - deleting the entire account might prevent you from signing in to this Norton forum as user david_S. and accessing your user profile at  When I still had an active subscription I wasn't allowed to delete my billing information unless auto-renewal was turned off first.

If you want to disable auto-renewal for your new subscription then log in to your NEW Norton Account and repeat that same process. Just note that, as bjm_ mentioned previously, you will lose the benefit of the Virus Protection Promise (virus removal) service that is included with your new Norton 360 subscription as soon as auto-renewal is disabled.
Dell Inspiron 5584 * 64-bit Win 10 Pro v22H2 build 19045.3448 * Firefox v118.0.2 * Microsoft Defender v4.18.23090.2008-1.1.23090.2007 * Malwarebytes Premium v4.6.4.286-1.0.2163 * Macrium Reflect Free v8.0.7279


"Good Afternoon!" :o)

So, THE PANIC when I started this thread (sometime ago) was, "damn I have cash money to buy the software in-store, yet no current CC!" ;o(

In one of your (subsequent) posts you informed me that minus the Norton 360 the default, on my HP laptop,  is Windows Defender Firewall + Anti-Virus (less panic)

And then...of In-law drove me to Staples (in a timely fashion/prior to my old subscription extension expiring)...I bought the Norton 360 Deluxe + MBAM Premium...paid Staples the $30 installation fee (got a FREE PC tune Up/$29.99 value in exchange)...installing MBAM went well...installing Norton 360 Deluxe (product key) also went well...NEW Norton account (New email address/name)...yet the last part/insert CC was the longest hold-up...we were all shrugging our shoulders in-store/Staples...when my In-law said, "How about a debit card? Will the system accept a debit card instead?" Lets try...and it worked! :o)

So bjm_ informs me I'm less than 30 days from renewal/subscription ending, hence there is not that much that I can do about the old account. bjm_ did, however, say that I can clear the out-dated CC info as said CC was cancelled due to identity theft.

So, whats the best way to go about that? Keep "Old Account" for the time being (ignore pestering e-mails/pop-ups from Norton)?

Go to (Old Account) Norton - My Subscription - Billing Info - and chose the delete icon?

THANK YOU Imacri & bjm_ for all of your patience with me! :o)


Okay, one thing at a time...

I had called various computer stores (mentioned I don't have a current/valid Credit Card) and they all said in which case I have a problem (as Norton requires CC information), yet Staples said, " No problem buy Norton 360 Delux in-store/off-the-shelf & for a #30 fee we will install the software on yout HP laptop.

So, my in-law and I drove to Staples (plus said HP laptop) and bought, cash money, MBAM Premium & Norton 360 Deluxe (having agreed to pay the $30 installation fee)...I was told, "We have a problem!" (setting up new account also requires CCbinfo).

My In-law, who has been in the private sector for decades (businessman) said out loud, "Will it accept debit card (instead of CC)?" Lets try, and it worked!


No need to be so polite (and say sorry)...the many times I've messed up on these forums big/while you use your spare time to hold the hand/assure luddites such as myself, "Its going to be okay!", hence my confusion regarding NO Windows Defender Firewall (option). I would like to think that it works as it is supposed to (Norton Firewall in charge).


"by "a new account" mean new subscription license?  Will you be using your current Norton account or creating a new Norton account? "

Having bought Norton 360 Deluxe, off-the-shelf at Staples (New Keycode = New Account) once I have fixed (issues within this thread/posts...I'm going to focus on the new account) so as to not be double-billed! :o(


Naive do I go about?...If you do not want automatic renewal service.  Best to remove payment details...regardless outdated/cancelled.  

How do I go about and remove payment details?

I am looking at Norton - My Subscriptions - Billing Information - Delete/Edit? Will the delete icon allow me to erase Billing info or do I have to Empty each box (to be filled out) and then Press "Save?"

Never done this before (and at Staples, even for a $30 installation fee, they only install).


... What is the satisfactory solution regarding Norton & your new account? 
You've setup a new Norton account? 
As far as I'll need payment information to activate new Norton from Staples.  
Was new Norton from Staples activated in-store?  ...

 Hi david_S.:

I agree with bjm_.  We'll need more information about whether the folks at Staples actually created a new Norton Account for your Norton 360 Deluxe you just purchased from them and activated your new product key.

If Staples didn't activate your new product key (and I'm not sure how they could do this without a valid credit card number, unless it accepted your expired credit card information) then see the Norton support article Using Your Norton Product Key, which states in part:

However, if you followed that renewal method I assume you would be asked to enter your billing information (including a valid credit card number) and turn on auto-renewal, which can be all be deleted / disabled from your Norton Account once your product key has been activated and you have another year (365 days) left on your subscription.  Two important things to note, however.  When users renew their subscription this way it's best to wait until a day or two before your current subscription expires because you will loose the days remaining on your current subscription as soon as your new subscription starts.  Secondly, you don't need to uninstall and reinstall Norton 360, even though your changed from Norton 360 Deluxe Plus I to Norton 360 Deluxe - your 25-character product key tells Norton exactly what new product you purchased and just enables / disables features in the Norton 360 interface that match your new product key.

As I said in my 10-Oct-2023 post <above>, there's no need to panic if Staples didn't actually activate your new product key and you don't have a valid credit card.  Just contact contact NortonLifeLock customer support via Live Chat a and they should be able to activate your new product key for you.

When you said you want to cancel your "OLD" account, does that mean Staples created a "NEW" Norton Account with a different username, email address, and/or password that you can log into?  If so, I suggest that you don't delete your OLD Norton Account for now.  As far as I know, the worst case scenario is that you will receive the occasional email nagging you renew your old subscription for a month or two.  I still have the same Norton Account that I created almost 20 years ago that I used when I still had Norton Security Deluxe v22.15.x (the legacy Norton product for Win XP and Vista) installed on my Vista SP2 computer, and I can still sign in at, although it tells me my subscription has expired.

Dell Inspiron 5584 * 64-bit Win 10 Pro v22H2 build 19045.3448 * Firefox v118.0.2 * Microsoft Defender v4.18.23090.2008-1.1.23090.2007 * Malwarebytes Premium v4.6.4.286-1.0.2163 * Macrium Reflect Free v8.0.7279


"After cancelling your recurring subscription, your subscription will not have the Norton Virus Protection Promise.  Your protection will continue through the end of your current paid term."

Okay, personally thats not great, yet "Welcome to Corporate America!' :o(

david S.:

My in-law renewed my Norton 360 Deluxe Plus 1 subscription more then 12 months ago, via his credit card, for me this was post-surgery (in my life/hospital discharge), hence my in-law stepped in and used one of his credit that I can continue to have access to the Norton Firewall/VPN/Anti-Virus (on my HP laptop).

My In-law also has a Norton 360 subscription for his laptop, yet my account renewal (in my name) was tied in with his subscription (Credit Card # & Billing Address). Since then his household has become a victim of identity theft, hence several credit cards were cancelled (that includes the credit card info Norton has on my account).

So, as the deadline for renewal/expiration of subscription came up, and I currently don't have a credit card of my own, I started this Windows Defender Firewall + Anti-Virus (until I get a new cc).

Prior to the subscription ending there were a great many pop-ups informing me (cc was not up-to-date) and insert NEW (valid) cc info for auto renewal billing (or run the risk of losing protection).

To my surprise...

Once I was past subscription expiration Norton extended my subscription by 90 days (and bugged me repeatedly to insert new cc info for auto renewal). One one hand that was very generous of Norton, yet it also did not change my dilemma (not having a new credit card of my own). 

So, I called a number of stores explaining my situation (see above) and they said I would need a cc card as Norton insists on such (auto billing/renewal when it comes to registering software).

My In-law who drove me to Staples came up with a satisfactory solution (regarding Norton & my new account), yet there still remains my OLD ACCOUNT (which I want to cancel)!

What is the satisfactory solution regarding Norton & your new account? 
You've setup a new Norton account? 
As far as I'll need payment information to activate new Norton from Staples.  
Was new Norton from Staples activated in-store? 

I have already paid for Norton, why do I have to provide the payment information? ›

You purchased a recurring subscription that renews annually after the initial term. To be able to renew your subscription after the initial term, we need your payment information. The accepted payment methods* may vary depending on the country.

You won't be charged until the subscription term you already paid for comes to the end, and before billing, you receive a notification email to alert you about the upcoming subscription renewal and its price.

Is there anything I can do to skip this step of providing the payment information? ›

The subscription that you bought requires providing this information before activating it. Once activated, you can still log into your account and cancel the Subscription Renewal. 


david S.:
yet there still remains my OLD ACCOUNT (which I want to cancel)!

You may cancel automatic renewal service.  
Your current on-board product license has expired or will expire in xx days? 

You may delete a Norton account.  But, be sure because account is permanently and irrevocably removed from Norton systems.  You will no longer be able to sign into your account. When you delete your account, Norton may no longer be able to provide you with services.

Delete My Account
Is deleting my account the same as canceling my subscription contract? ›
No. Prior to deleting your account we ask you to cancel and disable all active subscriptions. This is because we can’t provide some products and services without processing your personal information. 

Maybe, there's a work-around for not having payment information. 
Maybe, your old Norton account with cancelled credit card info will satisfy.
Maybe, you can just add product key. 
I'm thinking you still need to activate the new Norton key from Staples and that process afaik requires payment information.  
Maybe, contact Norton support for best way to get new Norton from Staples on-board. 
Maybe, just run Microsoft Defender. 
Lets ask Community.

Norton recurring subscription (initially) requiring payment information may satisfy Norton...albeit, not satisfy you/users. 

david S.:

On my Windows 11 Settings - Privacy & Security - Firewall & network protection (pop-up) there is NO/NONE whatsover mentioning/listing of Windows Defender Firewall (I see your, helpful red arrow, yet on my pop-up Nadda/Niente/Nichts).

Sorry, my pics are W10.  We'll need W11 user.  


"Good Morning" once more...

("Duh, ME so dumb!")

So, in chronological order...

My in-law renewed my Norton 360 Deluxe Plus 1 subscription more then 12 months ago, via his credit card, for me this was post-surgery (in my life/hospital discharge), hence my in-law stepped in and used one of his credit that I can continue to have access to the Norton Firewall/VPN/Anti-Virus (on my HP laptop).

My In-law also has a Norton 360 subscription for his laptop, yet my account renewal (in my name) was tied in with his subscription (Credit Card # & Billing Address). Since then his household has become a victim of identity theft, hence several credit cards were cancelled (that includes the credit card info Norton has on my account).

So, as the deadline for renewal/expiration of subscription came up, and I currently don't have a credit card of my own, I started this Windows Defender Firewall + Anti-Virus (until I get a new cc).

Prior to the subscription ending there were a great many pop-ups informing me (cc was not up-to-date) and insert NEW (valid) cc info for auto renewal billing (or run the risk of losing protection).

To my surprise...

Once I was past subscription expiration Norton extended my subscription by 90 days (and bugged me repeatedly to insert new cc info for auto renewal). One one hand that was very generous of Norton, yet it also did not change my dilemma (not having a new credit card of my own). 

So, I called a number of stores explaining my situation (see above) and they said I would need a cc card as Norton insists on such (auto billing/renewal when it comes to registering software).

My In-law who drove me to Staples came up with a satisfactory solution (regarding Norton & my new account), yet there still remains my OLD ACCOUNT (which I want to cancel)!


david S.:

I looked at your example screen MY SUBSCRIPTIONS reports:  Activate Subscription Renewal ... with automatic renewal off.  

Norton - My Account - (My Subscriptions)

Norton Security Deluxe Plus (underneath manage licensees, however that is ALL there is, NO Activate Subscription Renewal next to it)

Expires on: 10/13/23 (there is a RENEW NOW button far right of page) 

As far as the Billing Tab is concerned (still shows outdated/cancelled Credit Card info + address)

Users report that ~ 30+ days before subscription term expiry date.  They're not able/allowed to change automatic renewal.  Since, your expiry is Oct 13.  You will not be able to make a change, at this time.

If you do not want automatic renewal service.  Best to remove payment details...regardless outdated/cancelled.  

david S.:
as to how I can successfully shut down the old account (as I have a new account/bought in-store cash money at Staples).

by "a new account" mean new subscription license?  Will you be using your current Norton account or creating a new Norton account?  

Activate your Norton subscription
Note: new subscription key - starts new subscription term

To install the Norton device security product that you purchased from a retail store or a third-party affiliated website, create a Norton account or add the purchased product to your existing account.
Add the purchased product to your account and install your Norton product 

Create a Norton account

Delete My Account


"Good Morning!" :o)

I gave bjm_ 2 well-deserved kudos...

Thank you for the clarification regarding what needs customization regarding MBAM Premium!

I shall be sure to follow your advice.


"With Norton installed, the Windows Firewall should never be running.  The Windows Firewall Service should always be running." (credit SendOfJive)

Thank you for clarifying that! ;o)


Sorry (accidently hit "Save" prematurely!")  :o(

On my Windows 11 Settings - Privacy & Security - Firewall & network protection (pop-up) there is NO/NONE whatsover mentioning/listing of Windows Defender Firewall (I see your, helpful red arrow, yet on my pop-up Nadda/Niente/Nichts).

So says the Luddite (resident TecnoClutz)... 


Once again, thank you for your input, my viewpoint/what I am seeing under Settings...

Settings - Privacy & Security - Firewall & network protection (green checkmark/no action needed), yet when I click on "Firewall & network protection" I get the following pop-up...

Firewall & network protection

Who and what can access your networks.

Domain network

status unavailable, open Norton 360 for information

open Norton 360 (in blue print)

Private network

no further action needed

Public network

no further action needed

If this, essentially, means the Norton Firewall is "ON" then great!




"Good Morning!" :o)

So, thank you, ever so much for stepping-in and offering good/sound advice (not to short-change Imacri).

I looked at your example screen MY SUBSCRIPTIONS reports:  Activate Subscription Renewal ... with automatic renewal off.  

Norton - My Account - (My Subscriptions)

Norton Security Deluxe Plus (underneath manage licensees, however that is ALL there is, NO Activate Subscription Renewal next to it)

Expires on: 10/13/23 (there is a RENEW NOW button far right of page) 

As far as the Billing Tab is concerned (still shows outdated/cancelled Credit Card info + address)

hHopefully some of this/my info is some "Food for Thought" as to how I can successfully shut down the old account (as I have a new account/bought in-store cash money at Staples).

THANK YOU, for your input & Advice/HELP! :o)