Poor design choices

After installing NAV 2009, a window came up where I was supposed to login to my Norton account or create one in order to register my product.  The problems with this were as follows:


1) I was wanting to avoid this step (too many companies have too much of our personal information already).  I could not close the form, but discovered that if I clicked Next a couple of times without entering my email address, a barely visible "Remind me later" choice would appear at the bottom right.  Is there any reason that couldn't appear to start with and in a more visible fashion?


2) I later found out that the above step seems to be a required step.  Ok, if you want to require it, that's your choice and my choice whether I want to keep using your product, but you could at least indicate that it is a required step.  The window simply listed reasons to do it and benefits, so it ended up sounding like it was optional.  Use some common sense and let people know if it is a required step or not.


3) Much of the text in the window was a light gray color, so it did not offer much contrast.  My eyes are good, but they are also 40+ yrs old and room lighting, screen angle, etc. can cause this low contrast text to be even more undecipherable.  This seems to be an overall design choice with your products, since I'm seeing some of the same thing here on the web site.  Well, it's a poor and, quite frankly, stupid choice.  What you have are some designers that are putting design in front of useability.  Get some new designers or send the ones you have back to design school.


Hope you'll think about these things and make some changes to improve your product.

Message Edited by RCampbell12 on 11-04-2008 02:23 PM
Message Edited by RCampbell12 on 11-04-2008 02:23 PM