Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
I may have asked this before, but I apologize if that is the case
In my NAV2008 Activity log (under logs), I show the following entry
Port Blocking allowed 192.xx8.0.x (8).
This entry is logged every 5 minutes or so. I know that it has to do with my ISP. But not sure why it shows up so frequently. Anyone else experience this? Is it just that it keeps logging the continued connection? I have DSL on most of the time
Man are you parinod. LOL. I thought you were getting a router. if you do all this will go away. Aslong as NIS is blocking it does it really matter. No.
True that lol
But actually not as paranoid because this has been going on for a year. Just curious and trying to learn.
And to clarify, I don't have NIS, I have NAV and this 192. entry is NOT BLOCKED. It is allowed as it probably should be. But as I asaid just wondering why noted every 5-10 minutes. Just trying to learn
Well if you have NAV what are you using for a firewall?
NAV2008 has an inbound Firewall. According to people I spoke with at Norton, this is ok for inbound.
Well not really. You really should be using a firewall. Why dont you get NIS 2009. I really dont think NAV 2008 has a good firewall. if that was the case then why would they make NIS.who ever told you that NAV has a firewall.
Interesting, because people from Norton on this forum have told me that NAV2008 has an INBOUND firewall and that if I just wanted INBOUND protection, I did not need to use anything else. I even asked if I should have Windows Firewall on in addition to the NAV2008 inbound and was told no.
The inbound works because I even created some port blocking rules and the logs show that items are blocked.
This is for NAV 2008
Software Features
- Improved performance delivers faster scans
- One click access to expert support
- Works quietly in the background.
- Network mapping provides a view of your home network.
- Detects and removes spyware and viruses
- Blocks spyware and worms automatically
- Antivirus protection for email and instant messaging
- Prevents virus-infected emails from spreading
- Rootkit detection finds and removes hidden threats
Well maybe I am wrong but honestly speaking. I see you post alot of questions. If you simply upgraded to NIS 2009 and got a router then all your questions would be gone. I get know firewall alerts for inbounds with NIS cause my hardware firewall covers it all. Before NIS I was using Comodo Firewall and Avira Premium. I still had no inbound blocks cause of my hardware firewall. I installed a router at my mothers house so she wouldnt have to bother.
I doubt the Norton people would lie on here. i mean what would be the point? they copuld have upsold me immediately. The inbound firewall in NAV2008 is Internet Worm Protection, which I'm told functions like an inbound firewall. If it doesn't then why is there the ability to make firewall rules?
Anyway, that is not even the point. I was just curious about the 5-10 minute connections in the log. thats all. Man, you would think that I was specifically bugging you for an answer. there are people here that I do ask too many questions from. If they wanted to be ugly, I could understand. But man, I dodn't think I ever specifically asked you for help. Dude, this is just a simple curiosity question on my part.
I thought this was for questions? I knwo that I should formulate more clear and concise questions. But I’m just trying to understand. maybe there needs to be a forum for those of us starting from step one.
You can ask a Modder but I assure you that the inbound firewall in NAV does not offer the same protection as a normal software firewall.
Dieselman743 wrote:
You can ask a Modder but I assure you that the inbound firewall in NAV does not offer the same protection as a normal software firewall.
To be more specific, the inbound firewall included with Norton AntiVirus 2008 is not the same as the Norton Internet Security 2008 or 2009 firewall. It's all a matter of layered protection; there are some people who want more layers, and some who can live with fewer.
Thank you Tony. So NAV doesnt really have a firewall like NY1986 says. I thought so.
But the min inbound firewall is sufficient protection enough that you don’t need to add another firewall product like zonealarm or turn on the Windows Vista firewall at the same time, right Tony? Or other NORTON staffers?
Like I said I was told it has the inbound protection feature, see this post
But again, my question on this thread has to do with the frequency of the item showing up in my activity log and the question: Is this normal and why does it do that
That is not the same. It clearly says it has internet worm protection which is a mini firewall. That is no where near the same as a firewall. You really need to get a software firewall. When Tony said its like a mini firewall that was an example. He never said it is a firewall. I think your misreading the statement. If you want the best protection to elimintate all your questions and doubts either get NIS 2009 or some other software firewall like Zone Alarm Free or Comodo.
well when I turn on my Vista Firewall, then my windows security indicates I have 2 firewalls on.
Tony and the extra layer of protection that is the difference between the NAV2008 mini firewall and NIS (2008 or 2009) is really the outbound firewall feature, right?