Possible Issue with version 11.1.2

So I recently installed Norton Antivirus for Mac on my Mac Mini and I seem to be having a bit of an issue.  Whenever I click the "perform a virus scan" button to scan the entire system, the window pops up at tells me it is scanning 4 items at the top, then below it tells me it is scanning "x of 1,270,546" (meaning that my computer must have over 1.2 million files on it).  If I let it run, it continues to scan, even after going over the 1.2 million mark (it once scanned over 5 million files when I left it running).  On top of that, I have noticed that a lot of the same filenames keep showing up repeatedly, particularly "designable.nib" "keyedobjects.nib" and .html files with a series of 4 digits in front of them (usually beginning with 9).


Anybody have any idea what might be the issue here?  Is there a problem or am I just imagining things?