Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
i don't have ghost14 but i can tell you from another forum that i read and post in sometimes that the problem probably has more to do with the hard drive and its drivers... or maybe even the USB drivers.... run windows update manually with the drive connected until you see the 'you are up to date' message.
one more thing... do you have the external drive plugged directly into one of the computers USB ports or is it plugged into a hub? If it's plugged into a hub thats the first thing to correct, external hard drives should always get their own USB port on the computer and never get pluged in thru a hub.
also if 'write caching' is turned on for the drive it should be turned off for any external drive (find the drive in sevice manager to find out). (in device manager for vista it talks about power failures and write caching but this setting is important to be off for any external drive)
oh yea and in your next post tell us if this is vista or xp and what SP you are on.
First I am using Windows XP, and the external HD is connected via a computer USB port. I am between a novice and advananced with it comes to understanding computers. I will try your suggestons and let you know. Thanks 4runner.
I ran windows update and donwloaded package 3. I also have checked to be sure write caching is off. I tried to run a back up with no luck. It progressed to 70% quickly. After 5 hours it was at 78%, not making any progress and not writing anything to the external HD. As I pointed in my earlier responce I am using Windows XP. I don't know if that is problem or something else. From reading this forum it sounds like a lot are having problems with Ghost 14. I am about to the point of just moving on and getting something else that will work. I would think as Norton progresses in updates to a program they would eliminate application problems and make it user friendly (which it doesn't seem to be). You said you found info on another forum, can you share what forum that was?
cinhawk: This issue may be occurring due to Hard drive problems, such as file system errors or bad sectors
To prevent this problem, make sure that you check the option "Ignore bad sectors during copy" while the Backup Wizard is in progress.
Thanks, prasd_shetty: I have done that and it helped some, but did not solve my problem.
Ghost reports all warnings and errors to the Windows Event log. Could you look at the application event logs and check for any warnings/errors from Ghost, Ghost Service, V2i, Volume Shadow Copy Service, etc? Have you run LiveUpdate in Ghost till there are no more updates?
Also, what are the details of the backup you created? Is it an incremental image, or a full image? Is there enough space on the destination drive to hold the source data? This also may be causing a problem. Any additional information you can provide is helful. Thanks!
In the event log some of the errors refer to problems with source HD. It indicates there are bad sectors. I have run chkdsk okay, and exploring the HD issue further. The source HD is 80GB the destination HD is 160 GB with no files stored on it, so there is plenty of storage space avilable. As for the details of the backup created, there are none. I have never been able to get Ghost to actually write any data to the deistination HD. It will run until about 70-80% complete and then stop.
Try enabling the option to “ignore bad sectors” for the Backup Job, and let me know if the job completes. Thanks!
I have checked that box, ignor bad sectors. It has helped but did not eliminate the problem.
Thanks for the suggestion.
I have the same problem with backing up my Dell XPS m140 laptop to an external Maxtor drive. I've had two extended sessions with the Symantec chat support. They fixed the disk backup but have failed to fix the file backup on multiple attempts. I watched the tech support remote fix procedure, and it included ignoring bad sectors, but the problem remains. I tried several times to get chat support again Friday, but I got the same guy who had failed to fix the problem twice and he just ended the chat session on me!
Problem seems to be with the SnapShot service:
-Errors exist.
--Error E7D1001D: Unable to open '//./SymantecSnapshot0/Documents and Settings/David S/My Documents/Personal Admin/Car Bill of Sale.doc'.
---Error EBAB03F1: Access is denied.
---Error E7D10049: Device SymantecSnapshot0 appears to be offline, disconnected, or otherwise unavailable.
----Error E4BC0004: Unable to backup file C:/Documents and Settings/David S/My Documents/Personal Admin/Car Bill of Sale.doc.
Tech support tried to disable and then re-enable the service, but it did not work.
Here's a suggestion to Norton - provide a way for customers to elevate their problem when first level chat support doesn't fix the problem.
Is this a file and folder backup, or a complete My Computer backup? Do you have any password protected or encrypted folders on your system?
Documents only. But you’re right, contents are encrypted. I will remove the encryption and see what happens. Thanks for the tip!
erik_carlstrom wrote:Is this a file and folder backup, or a complete My Computer backup? Do you have any password protected or encrypted folders on your system?
I removed the encryption on the files. I now get a different error message when trying to back up files and folders:
-Error E4BC0012: An interaction with the catalog's database layer failed unexpectedly: sqlite3_step--5: database is locked.
I could not find a reference to this error message on your knowledge base.
Stop the Ghost service, delete the catalog.dat file in the following location:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\FileBackup
Create a new file and folder backup.
Try the backup again.
erik_carlstrom wrote:Stop the Ghost service, delete the catalog.dat file in the following location:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\FileBackup
Create a new file and folder backup.
Try the backup again.
Erik, This worked. My problem is now resolved. Thank you!
A suggestion: why not put this support info on a public knowledge base? That way when people like me google error messages we won't end up at blogs written by angry customers!
I'll be passing this along so that a document will be created and published. I was only waiting for your confirmation before sending this off. Thanks for following up on this.