Problem merging 2 norton accounts

Hi everyone - we have recently bought  a new computer and broadband and a new e-mail address.  Unfortunately I now have two accounts with norton. THE FIRST with our NEW e-mail address showing the free trial norton product that came with our new computer, THE SECOND with our OLD e-mail address showing the norton autorenewal product we had on our old computer which still has 87 days left.


I have managed to get the 87 days of our existing norton 360 installed on the new computer and then went into myaccount under the OLD e-mail address to update it with our NEW e-mail address so that we continue to have the autorenewal reminders sent to us etc but I'm getting an error message saying there is already an account loaded for the new e-mail address and I should log into that one......but that's not where the product we have purchased is held.......anyone able to help?

spickerton wrote:

Hi everyone - we have recently bought  a new computer and broadband and a new e-mail address.  Unfortunately I now have two accounts with norton. THE FIRST with our NEW e-mail address showing the free trial norton product that came with our new computer, THE SECOND with our OLD e-mail address showing the norton autorenewal product we had on our old computer which still has 87 days left.


I have managed to get the 87 days of our existing norton 360 installed on the new computer and then went into myaccount under the OLD e-mail address to update it with our NEW e-mail address so that we continue to have the autorenewal reminders sent to us etc but I'm getting an error message saying there is already an account loaded for the new e-mail address and I should log into that one......but that's not where the product we have purchased is held.......anyone able to help?


May I suggest that you contact customer support 

and let them help you get everything in order.

Keep us posted

Hi there! Thanks for replying....yes I did contact Customer Support but the virtual agent wasn't any help. Tried rephrasing in all sorts of ways but it didn't work.

Oh, ok, you didn't mean Customer Support. I have clicked the link you posted and am trying that....thank you.

So I went onto the online chat thing with Norton Support, they tried to sort it out (took over my pc) but in the end turned out that it cannot be done. So you can't update one Norton Account with your new e-mail IF that new e-mail has been activated already with the Norton Free Trial that you get with a new PC.

spickerton wrote:

So I went onto the online chat thing with Norton Support, they tried to sort it out (took over my pc) but in the end turned out that it cannot be done. So you can't update one Norton Account with your new e-mail IF that new e-mail has been activated already with the Norton Free Trial that you get with a new PC.


Sorry you got the runaround from Nathan. His logic is a bit circular :smileytongue:

It may be when your free time expires on the new account you will be able to get things consolidated. Having subsctiption time on both may be a bit more than their tools can handle currently.

Keep us posted

spickerton wrote:

Hi everyone - we have recently bought  a new computer and broadband and a new e-mail address.  Unfortunately I now have two accounts with norton. THE FIRST with our NEW e-mail address showing the free trial norton product that came with our new computer, THE SECOND with our OLD e-mail address showing the norton autorenewal product we had on our old computer which still has 87 days left.


[ ... ]

I've followed your account -- sorry about Nathan -- and I can only suggest that you make another attempt with the Norton OnLine Support via the CHAT route as below since I don't think the problem is on your machine but in the Norton database.


If you have set up two MyNortonAccounts using two email addresses then the records for this are at Norton not local and what you see on your computer is through online access to their servers.


I am absolutely positive that we have had reports back from users of Support combining two different accounts into one and I think I can remember a specific case where two email addresses were invoved. And we have certainly had cases where free trial time from preinstalled products has been added onto time from purchased products and other cases where a change of product was dealt with so the user did not lose out on paid for time.


I suggest that you wait until Monday and go back via the CHAT route and try again ....


To contact customer support Click on this link   and work on from there.

Please let us know how you get on ....

What a lovely community the Norton Community is! So I did that......'chatted' with a nice lady from Norton who remotely accessed the computer, tried to merge the two accounts but was unable to. Told me the 87 days I had left under my old account had sucessfully been installed onto my new computer and that when that expires I will just have to buy a subscription under my new account...........sigh.



I'm sorry they could not merge your two accounts -- maybe because one was a free trial period -- but I am certain that users who wiped out free trial time by installing a new product or using a new Key have reported back that they got the free time added on.


I honestly don't see why they can't do that when there are two accounts just by cancelling the time in one and making you a free gift of equivalent time in the other account ... more than one way to skin a cat, especially with computers!


So do you feel you ended up losing subscription days?


I'm not sure whether your message is one of gratituce for all us nice folks or slightly sarchastic <vbg>

I had the same problem.  Years ago I installed a Beta version of Norton 360.  I was forced to open a new account.  It would not let me use my first account.  Recently, I tried to have the two accounts merged.  I was told it could not be done.  As an old programmer of XX years, I know it can be done.  Either they do not have screens to do it or they don't know that programmers can do it.  I ended up using the new account and losing the history in the old account.